Canine Cluster Seizures
- Each dog's seizure symptoms will be different. Common symptoms of seizures include flailing or shaking limbs, vocalizing, becoming unconscious, random movements of the eyes and losing bowel and bladder control. The dog will become conscious and seem to rest between seizures.
- Cluster seizures can be caused by neurological conditions like epilepsy or hydrocephalus, also known as "water on the brain." Cluster seizures can also be triggered by internal injury, inner organ failure or poisoning.
- Treatment concentrates on stopping the seizures no matter what the cause. The dog many be given anesthesia or an IV of the anti-seizure medication phenobarbitol.
- White dogs may be prone to white shaker syndrome.west hilend wite terrier. image by Olga Barbakadze from
Some medical conditions can seem to be cluster seizures but do not risk brain damage to the dog. These include inner ear infections and white shaker syndrome, a neurological condition affecting white breeds like the West Highland white terrier.