6 Things Your Babysitter Needs To Know
Updated August 19, 2015.
Written or reviewed by a board-certified physician. See About.com's Medical Review Board.
There are a number of things your babysitter absolutely needs to know about your child's asthma. Most of them are summarized on a babysitter checklist that was adapted from the About.com child parenting site and Maine Health's Asthma Health web page. You can print out the checklist or save it to your hard drive and complete it so your babysitter has all of the essential information right at hand. Using the checklist may make it easier for your babysitter to handle your child's medications, avoid triggers, and know what to do in an emergency.
Your babysitter needs to:
- Know the exact dose, time, and how to deliver your child's asthma medications. Your baby sitter need to know the difference between controller and rescue medications. If any controller medication will need to be given while you are away, you also need to make sure the babysitter understands how to give the medication and in what cases your child can take the medication on his own.
 - Know your child's asthma triggers. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of treatment. If the things that worsen your child's asthma can be avoided, your babysitter will have a much easier time.
 - Know the symptoms of asthma in general and more specifically for your child. Your babysitter should recognize symptoms of asthma such as:
If there are any particular symptoms that indicate your child's asthma is o.k. or getting worse, you need to write them down for the babysitter. The more information you can give your babysitter, the easier it will be for them to care for your child.
Your babysitter should also be aware of the warning signs that may indicate your child is having difficulty breathing such as:- A persistent cough or cough that worsens when playing
- Complaining of a belly ache or sore tummy
- Belly breathing or retractions. You can watch this video of a baby having retractions.
- Shortness of breath
- Nasal flaring (See this video demonstrating nasal flaring)
- Understand and can implement your child's asthma care plan. Your babysitter will need to understand your child's asthma care plan so that any signs or symptoms of worsening asthma can be treated appropriately.
 - Know your contact information for questions. You need to be readily available to answer any questions that may come up while you are out.
 - Know where the emergency contact information is. If your babysitter cannot get a hold of you or needs emergent advice you babysitter needs:
Â- The phone number and address of your house
- Directions to your house
- The name and phone number of your asthma doctor, family doctor, or pediatrician
Maine Health. AH! Asthma Health Patient Education Materials Instructions For The Babysitter