Opiate Addiction is a Beast That May Come with Prescriptions
Anxiety can result from many things including financial troubles,job or family worries,emotional distress, or chronic pain as a result of an accident or injury.Unfortunately,as a counselor working in anxiety in Pittsburgh, PA can verify, people seek relief in the wrong ways. For example, someone with financial troubles may decide to embezzle money, or a person in chronic pain takes pain medication at doses far beyond what the doctor has prescribed.
Opiates are a class of drugs that are narcotics derived from the opium poppy plant.There are also synthetic opiates made in laboratories. Opiates have been used for thousands of years as a pain reliever, and currently there are several popular pain medications that doctors prescribe for pain.
The doctor will limit the prescription to only what you need to get through a difficult period of intense pain.Opiates are not a drug you should take for a long period of time because of their addictive qualities. Naturally such powerful drugs are popular in the illegal drug trade also, and people will begin taking them without prescriptions. Opiates usually come in pill form or are injected.
Two-Headed Beast
The problem of opiate addiction arises when people become dependent on the euphoric feelings while taking the drugs.It may be you were highly susceptible to opiate addiction and quickly became dependent on a prescribed drug.You may have accepted a few pills from a friend trying to help after you suffered a minor injury at home. Perhaps you purchased illegal drugs on the black market from a drug dealer.
Opiate addiction is a two-headed beast.It is an emotional and physical addition. The cause of the anxiety in Pittsburgh, PA probably still exists while addicted because the real problem has not been addressed. The opiate gives temporary relief from the worries,anxiety or even depression.Life may seem good while high, but then the craving starts and the awful side effects take over.
There is also a physical addiction to opiates.Opiates work on the brain by binding to neurotransmitters that control things like your mood and some physical processes like digestion and movement. Over time, the brain stops producing endorphins the longer you use opiates leading to addiction.Addiction can cause diarrhea, nausea, decreased sexual drive, body temperature, and even difficulty breathing. Long term addiction can lead to collapsed veins from injections and liver disease.
When Feeling Good Doesn't Feel So Good
A person who becomes addicted to opiates may become depressed, have suicidal thoughts,must take larger and larger medication doses, and spends most of his or her time thinking about the drug. Opiate addicts usually stop caring about anything in their lives except the drugs. People who normally care for their appearance will begin to look thin and unkempt.
A counselor who works with clients experiencing depression in Pittsburgh, PA as a result of opiate addiction can help them overcome the addiction.The first step, of course,is having a desire to end the addiction.A therapist can work with a client through the detoxification and rehabilitation process, and then offer long term support through private counseling or support groups.
Opiate addiction is a beast that can be defeated.
Opiates are a class of drugs that are narcotics derived from the opium poppy plant.There are also synthetic opiates made in laboratories. Opiates have been used for thousands of years as a pain reliever, and currently there are several popular pain medications that doctors prescribe for pain.
The doctor will limit the prescription to only what you need to get through a difficult period of intense pain.Opiates are not a drug you should take for a long period of time because of their addictive qualities. Naturally such powerful drugs are popular in the illegal drug trade also, and people will begin taking them without prescriptions. Opiates usually come in pill form or are injected.
Two-Headed Beast
The problem of opiate addiction arises when people become dependent on the euphoric feelings while taking the drugs.It may be you were highly susceptible to opiate addiction and quickly became dependent on a prescribed drug.You may have accepted a few pills from a friend trying to help after you suffered a minor injury at home. Perhaps you purchased illegal drugs on the black market from a drug dealer.
Opiate addiction is a two-headed beast.It is an emotional and physical addition. The cause of the anxiety in Pittsburgh, PA probably still exists while addicted because the real problem has not been addressed. The opiate gives temporary relief from the worries,anxiety or even depression.Life may seem good while high, but then the craving starts and the awful side effects take over.
There is also a physical addiction to opiates.Opiates work on the brain by binding to neurotransmitters that control things like your mood and some physical processes like digestion and movement. Over time, the brain stops producing endorphins the longer you use opiates leading to addiction.Addiction can cause diarrhea, nausea, decreased sexual drive, body temperature, and even difficulty breathing. Long term addiction can lead to collapsed veins from injections and liver disease.
When Feeling Good Doesn't Feel So Good
A person who becomes addicted to opiates may become depressed, have suicidal thoughts,must take larger and larger medication doses, and spends most of his or her time thinking about the drug. Opiate addicts usually stop caring about anything in their lives except the drugs. People who normally care for their appearance will begin to look thin and unkempt.
A counselor who works with clients experiencing depression in Pittsburgh, PA as a result of opiate addiction can help them overcome the addiction.The first step, of course,is having a desire to end the addiction.A therapist can work with a client through the detoxification and rehabilitation process, and then offer long term support through private counseling or support groups.
Opiate addiction is a beast that can be defeated.