Gigantes da Lira: Kids Enjoy Pre-Carnival in Rio
Updated on Jan.16, 2015
Gigantes da Lira is one of the best kids' blocos, or Carnival groups, in Rio de Janeiro Carnival.
The bloco, which started in the late 1990s, leaves from a square in the Laranjeiras district on the Saturday before Carnival. The clown Dr. Giramundo and a big troupe lead Gigantes da Lira, which features people on stilts and acrobats to the sound of a band.
The gigante, or giant, in the parade is a huge puppet created by Aluísio Augusto in the manner of the ones you see in the Olinda Carnival and also inspired in court jesters.
Kids will enjoy dressing up and partying with you in this upbeat and safe bloco. Gigantes da Lira is a member of Sebastiana (, the Independent Association of Street Carnival Blocos from the South Side, Santa Teresa and Centro, which gathers some of the best street Carnival groups in Rio de Janeiro (read more below).
The 17th Gigantes da Lira parade will start at the Jardim Laranjeiras Square on Rua General Glicério, in Laranjeiras. It will move up Rua General Glicério, go down Rua Cristóvão Barcelos and return to the square.
The season will open with the 5th Sorvetada Gigante (which readas as "gigantic ice cream party") and the launching of the 2015 t-shirt (with a design by Paulo Villela).
Where: Jardim Laranjeiras Square on Rua General Glicério/Laranjeiras
When: Saturday, Jan.17 at 11 a.m.
The revelry will continue with a gala at Circo Voador on Sunday, Jan.15 at 5 p.m.
The bloco will throw parties at Shopping Downtown (in Barra da Tijuca) on Feb.7 and 14, at 5 p.m., and at Via Parque Shopping, also in Barra da Tijuca, on Feb,15 at 2 p.m.
See the full calendar ("Agenda") on the official website, Keep up with updates on Twitter (@GigantesdaLira) and Facebook (
Gigantes da Lira is one of the best kids' blocos, or Carnival groups, in Rio de Janeiro Carnival.
The bloco, which started in the late 1990s, leaves from a square in the Laranjeiras district on the Saturday before Carnival. The clown Dr. Giramundo and a big troupe lead Gigantes da Lira, which features people on stilts and acrobats to the sound of a band.
The gigante, or giant, in the parade is a huge puppet created by Aluísio Augusto in the manner of the ones you see in the Olinda Carnival and also inspired in court jesters.
Kids will enjoy dressing up and partying with you in this upbeat and safe bloco. Gigantes da Lira is a member of Sebastiana (, the Independent Association of Street Carnival Blocos from the South Side, Santa Teresa and Centro, which gathers some of the best street Carnival groups in Rio de Janeiro (read more below).
2015 Parade:
The 17th Gigantes da Lira parade will start at the Jardim Laranjeiras Square on Rua General Glicério, in Laranjeiras. It will move up Rua General Glicério, go down Rua Cristóvão Barcelos and return to the square.
More in the 2015 Season:
The season will open with the 5th Sorvetada Gigante (which readas as "gigantic ice cream party") and the launching of the 2015 t-shirt (with a design by Paulo Villela).
Where: Jardim Laranjeiras Square on Rua General Glicério/Laranjeiras
When: Saturday, Jan.17 at 11 a.m.
The revelry will continue with a gala at Circo Voador on Sunday, Jan.15 at 5 p.m.
The bloco will throw parties at Shopping Downtown (in Barra da Tijuca) on Feb.7 and 14, at 5 p.m., and at Via Parque Shopping, also in Barra da Tijuca, on Feb,15 at 2 p.m.
See the full calendar ("Agenda") on the official website, Keep up with updates on Twitter (@GigantesdaLira) and Facebook (
- More on Sebastina Street Carnival
Other Sebastiana Blocos:
- Bloco da Ansiedade
- Bloco dos Barbas
- Bloco das Carmelitas
- Bloco de Segunda
- Bloco Virtual
- Escravos da Mauá
- Imprensa que eu Gamo
- Meu Bem, Volto Já
- Que Merda é Essa?
- Simpatia é Quase Amor
- Suvaco do Cristo