BlogsThe Start-point, The Journey And The Limitless Possibilities
Blogging has come a long way from where it started. From being an online diary to an avenue of profitability for an online business, blogs and therefore, blog software are reaching the vast expanse of the online medium.
How did blogging start?
Blogs were initially referred to as web- logs, where information/articles were manually updated in a website. These information-articles or snippets appeared in the reverse-chronological order. The manual uploading was slowly taken over by technology, which made blogging less of a technical process.
During the late 1990s, blogs were used as personal web diaries, where people could write about their interests, likes, day-to-day events almost on a daily basis. Browsers were enabled with widgets/components- blog software- to make blogging or blog-posting a hassle-free online process. This further increased the bloggers-base, bringing in more bloggers to one common platform.
With technological advancements, many free blog hosting services such as wordpress, blogger, livejournal came into being, which gave users a wide variety of options for a blogging platform. Additionally, the bloggers interface had many tools such as permalinks, trackbacks, blogrolls, weblog search engines, which widened the scope of social networking. The purpose of networking could be for friendship, business, or for professional or personal purpose, as these tools helped to link to other web-page or blog-pages.
During 2001, blogging came to be viewed as a channel for mass-communication. Political news added a new dimension to blogging, where bloggers from around the world were able to certify the credibility or farce of major news channels. Significant developments ensued in the American political scenario when bloggers spread messages across the world and opined on many raging issues through this platform.
Apart from serving as a news channel, the blog-platform and consequently the blog software was wide open with a vast potential for internet marketers and online businesses. Blogs attached to a website/business-site selling products or services, could be used as a way to communicate to the customer and know him/her better. Blogging thus assumed a greater impacting role in the online space, as through blogs, customers could air their views and the business in turn could sense, perceive and discern customer interests, expectations and demands through different channels of a blog- feedback, comments etc. Blogs therefore are used by many online business sites to increase the visibility in search engines. For instance, a service/ product company whose blogs are actively viewed, and are linked to by other creditable sites, enjoy a better ranking with search engines. Website content with greater backlinks from blogs and other channels are better optimized with respect to search engines. These developments have further catalysed the development of blog software and blog templates. The popular ones include Google blog, chromium blog, blogspot etc.
From web-logs of data to personal web diaries to world-communication network and to being a search-engines visible pick for good ranking, blogs have grown in size, shape and form, with the fast evolving online space.
As a prominent identity in the online space, delivering web-enabled services; Web Develeopment Company Dubai , Ecommerce Developers Dubai . The wide spectrum of services cover web development, logo designs, Ecommerce portals to SEO services, graphic design services and anything and everything under the web umbrella. At, the motto is affordable, practical, viable web solutions, with a blog of user-friendly tools-attractive for the customer and profitable for the business in the online space.
How did blogging start?
Blogs were initially referred to as web- logs, where information/articles were manually updated in a website. These information-articles or snippets appeared in the reverse-chronological order. The manual uploading was slowly taken over by technology, which made blogging less of a technical process.
During the late 1990s, blogs were used as personal web diaries, where people could write about their interests, likes, day-to-day events almost on a daily basis. Browsers were enabled with widgets/components- blog software- to make blogging or blog-posting a hassle-free online process. This further increased the bloggers-base, bringing in more bloggers to one common platform.
With technological advancements, many free blog hosting services such as wordpress, blogger, livejournal came into being, which gave users a wide variety of options for a blogging platform. Additionally, the bloggers interface had many tools such as permalinks, trackbacks, blogrolls, weblog search engines, which widened the scope of social networking. The purpose of networking could be for friendship, business, or for professional or personal purpose, as these tools helped to link to other web-page or blog-pages.
During 2001, blogging came to be viewed as a channel for mass-communication. Political news added a new dimension to blogging, where bloggers from around the world were able to certify the credibility or farce of major news channels. Significant developments ensued in the American political scenario when bloggers spread messages across the world and opined on many raging issues through this platform.
Apart from serving as a news channel, the blog-platform and consequently the blog software was wide open with a vast potential for internet marketers and online businesses. Blogs attached to a website/business-site selling products or services, could be used as a way to communicate to the customer and know him/her better. Blogging thus assumed a greater impacting role in the online space, as through blogs, customers could air their views and the business in turn could sense, perceive and discern customer interests, expectations and demands through different channels of a blog- feedback, comments etc. Blogs therefore are used by many online business sites to increase the visibility in search engines. For instance, a service/ product company whose blogs are actively viewed, and are linked to by other creditable sites, enjoy a better ranking with search engines. Website content with greater backlinks from blogs and other channels are better optimized with respect to search engines. These developments have further catalysed the development of blog software and blog templates. The popular ones include Google blog, chromium blog, blogspot etc.
From web-logs of data to personal web diaries to world-communication network and to being a search-engines visible pick for good ranking, blogs have grown in size, shape and form, with the fast evolving online space.
As a prominent identity in the online space, delivering web-enabled services; Web Develeopment Company Dubai , Ecommerce Developers Dubai . The wide spectrum of services cover web development, logo designs, Ecommerce portals to SEO services, graphic design services and anything and everything under the web umbrella. At, the motto is affordable, practical, viable web solutions, with a blog of user-friendly tools-attractive for the customer and profitable for the business in the online space.