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5 Effective Steps to Naturally Reverse Type 2 Diabetes Symptoms in 25 Days or Less

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The phrase "you are what you eat" is true, to take it a step further "you will become what you eat.
" This goes both ways, you will be either illness free and super healthy or sick, unhealthy and have diabetes based largely on what you eat.
A new study by the Centers for Disease Control has just published a report that if current trends continue, one third of all Americans will be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes by the year 2050.
The U.
will be the Diabetic Nation.
This can and will happen if people continue to eat what I call the "sure to become a diabetic diet".
Another name for this diet is the Western Diet.
Fast food, processed and refined food, very little raw and fresh foods, lots of sugar, bad fats and salt.
Combine this with little or no exercise and you have the Western Diet and Lifestyle, which will surely fulfill the prediction that over one third of Americans will be diabetic in the next forty years.
If you have type 2 diabetes or are a pre-diabetic there are solutions to rid yourself of the symptoms pretty quickly, actually a whole lot faster than it took for you to get type 2 diabetes.
It takes a real desire to naturally reverse your illness and the will power and consistent action to be successful.
Follow the 5 step program below and you can reverse your diabetes condition in as little as 25 days.
#1 Refined sugar must go, you have to stop eating any refined sugar, stay completely away from soda and anything with high fructose corn syrup in it.
Use Stevia for a sweetener.
#2 Eat a large quantity of natural whole super foods to boost up your nutrition and antioxidant levels quickly.
Eat lots of raw fruits and vegetables everyday, consider making fruit and leafy green smoothies (in a blender take a pear, apple, kale,Italian parsley, cabbage and water - blend till liquid and drink).
Another great morning shake (take a banana and some berries along with a high nutrition super food shake mix add some almond milk and water then bend in your blender.
) These shake recipes taste great and will give you your raw fruit and vegetables in a quick and easy glass full.
Drink a large glass in the morning and again in the afternoon.
#3 When you go to the store read the labels of the foods you are looking at.
If there are 25 ingredients listed and you don't even recognize what they are - steer clear! Try to eat 90 percent real food, that means fresh foods like fish, fruit and vegetables, whole grain or even better sprouted grain breads, avoid packaged foods as much as you can.
For grains, choose whole grains like brown rice, quinoa, stay away from refined flour - no white flour pasta, choose whole wheat pasta or none at all.
For glucose control add a natural supplement.
Where ever possible choose organic, but most important is to choose real fresh foods, not manufactured processed foods.
Eat out less because it is a lot harder to control ingredients in restaurant food, if you do go out to eat, ask questions about what's in the dishes, choose carefully.
#4 Get yourself moving, get a consistent exercise routine going.
It can be as much or as little as a good solid walk each day, at least thirty minutes.
The most important aspect of effective exercise is to be consistent.
#5 Get out in the sun or at the very least add a vitamin D3 supplement to your diet.
Low vitamin D is now known to be a major component in the type 2 diabetes epidemic.
70% of white Americans are vitamin D deficient and for blacks and latino's it's even worse.
It's important to know that you can take control and heal yourself, don't let the doctors tell you there is no reversal.
Remember diabetes has become a huge industry, a lot of money is being made off the misery of people who have this disease.
Type 2 diabetes is relatively easy to naturally reverse for almost anyone willing to take action.
You are welcome to give me a call at 360-306-5273 for a free phone consultation to help you get started on the five steps to reversal in twenty five days or less.
We can also direct you to organic super food supplements for glucose control and for quickly boosting your metabolism with concentrated nutrition.

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