List of Skills Political Science/Government Majors Have
Here's a list of the skills that employers seek when hiring Political Science / Government majors. Skills vary by job, so also review these skills lists for a variety of different occupations.
Highlight the skills you acquired during your studies, internships and jobs held during college in your cover letters, resume and job applications.
Political Science / Government Major Skills
A - C
- Abstracting General Principles from Examples
- Active Listening
- Analytical
- Analyzing Public Policy Initiatives
- Applying an Intercultural and International Perspective to Political Issues
- Assessing the Impact of Pending Legislation on Public Policy
- Assessing the Validity/Reliability Polls/Surveys
- Carrying Out Descriptive Statistical Tests Such as Mean, Median and Mode
- Conducting Legal Analyses
- Conducting Multiple Linear Regression Analyses
- Conducting Primary Research
- Constructing Polls and SurveysÂ
- Creating Charts and Graphs
- Creativity
- Critical Thinking
D - I
- Debating
- Decision Making
- Designing Research Models
- Detail Orientation
- Devising Logical Arguments
- Dissecting Campaign Strategy
- Evaluating the Effectiveness of Government ProgramsÂ
- Facilitating Discussions
- Independence
- Interpreting Current Events within a Political Context
- Interpreting Political Events in Light of Political Theory
- Interpreting Political Polls
- Introducing Speakers
- InvestigativeÂ
L - O
- Leadership
- Logical Reasoning
- Managing Stress
- Matlab
- Mediating Conflicts
- Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Word
- Moderating Panels
- Negotiating Agreements
- Networking
- Note Taking
- Organizational
P - S
- Performing Two Way Correlations
- Persistence
- Persuading Others to a Point of View
- Planning
- PowerPoint
- Predicting Outcomes
- Presentation
- Prioritizing
- Proposing Political Solutions to Social and Economic Problems
- Reading Critically
- Study
- Systematizing
T - Z
- Teamwork
- Testing Hypotheses
- Time Management
- Tolerating Divergent Opinions
- Verbal Communication
- Writing Case Studies
- Writing Editorials
- Writing Research Reports
More Lists of Skills
Here’s a list of skills employers are looking for, including soft skills, general skills, and hard skills for a variety of different jobs.
Read More:How to Answer Interview Questions About Skills | What to Include in a Resume Skills Section | List of Skills Employers Seek in Job Applicants
Related Articles:Soft vs. Hard Skills | How to Include Keywords in Your Resume | List of Keywords for Resumes and Cover Letters | Skills and Abilities | Resume Skills List