How to Program the Calculate Button in Vb.Net
- 1). Click the Windows "Start" button and select "All Programs." Click ".NET Framework" to view a list of programming utilities. Click "Visual Studio" to open the .NET programming platform.
- 2). Click "File," then "Open." Double-click your VB.NET project file to open the code file where you do your calculations.
- 3). Right-click the form that contains your calculate button. Select "Design View." This shows you the form in a wizard designer. Double-click the "Calculate" button to open the "OnClick" event.
- 4). Type the calculation code. For instance, if you have two numbers in a text box labeled "Text1" and "Text2," you use the typical math characters to add the figures and save the result to a variable. The following code calculates two values in VB.NET:
Dim result As Integer
result = Text1.Text.ToInt32() + Text1.Text.ToInt32() - 5). Display the result of the calculation. In this example, a popup window shows the user the result of the calculation. Type the following code into your code file:
MsgBox "The result of the calculation is" & result