Taking the Path of Least Resistance
It's shocking to count the times each day that we, yes our single, individual person, takes the "path of least resistance" and consequently suffer from this choice each and every time.
 I am referring to those times of exhaustion, or loneliness, or having been around people too long and needing quiet time to refresh and relax and the more severe situations where we just "give in" to avoid conflict or just make things easier on ourselves.
What could you do to suddenly have a surge of energy and enthusiasm and a sense of clear-minded joy instead of this simple, miserable, heavy lethargy and push you into that winner's circle for many of those small daily goals we set for ourselves? Personally, I find it amazing and actually a little humorous to see how our personal human nature can lead us to the paths of least resistance even where we know the "players", the goals, and the rewards.
 What I'm talking about is our decision-making when it comes to doing what is truly good for us.
 Think of it...
let's imagine you have had a tough day.
 You're tired, lethargic, uninspired, and just feeling "done in".
One of those days when no matter what you tried to do, nothing worked out really well.
That builds up the fatigue/frustration level quite a bit.
 The mood for the rest of the day is rather dismal, and the very idea of trying to be cheerful and uplifting becomes a serious irritant.
 You will be waiting for someone to step on your last nerve!  So, generally, in the scenario described above, the average American will go home, be disgruntled, grab some kind of a snack that most likely is high in calories and low in nutrients, and crash on the favorite couch or chair.
What I have just described is taking the path of least resistance.
 We cave in to what the difficulties the day brought about, finding it easier to be a grouch than to be proactive and get on an uplifting path.
Somehow, we tend to feel like we have earned the right to this kind of response, and we can't dig down deeper to energize.
The simple solution to avoiding the Path of Least Resistance is EXERCISE! There absolutely is no getting around it: EXERCISE! Exercise is a fabulous tonic!  It is amazingly convenient, and does not need any special equipment.
 Think about it...
Take a walk! Â Yes! Â Seriously...
no matter where you are...
even in as short as 15 minutes you will see positive results! Â Hop on a bike if you can, and if you are home, pop in a DVD and get a quick workout.
 Connect your mind to your body, visualize your joints rotating, your muscles lengthening, your heart pumping harder, the circulation being stimulated and begin to absorb the marvelous feelings that ensue.
 Once you put your body into action, your brain begins to release energizing hormones and you will begin to mentally and emotionally be uplifted.
 There is no question that using your mental discipline will speed this process for you.
 Genuinely tune into your thoughts and do something just as simple as asking the question:  "Is this a healthy, good thing that I am doing?" The moment your mind recognizes that you are doing something positive, it is uplifted.
 Compare that to the same question you pose to yourself when you decide to do the couch potato/grouch mode.
 That question then would only add to your anger, thus driving you deeper into the mire.
 See how truly easy it is to pull yourself out of lethargy and into feeling good about yourself.
 That will surely give you a surge of refreshing energy! The more you work physically, the better you will feel mentally, your body will strengthen, you will tone up, look better and kick the lethargy/grunge/tension/stress out the window! Seriously..
 No excuses please.
 I am referring to those times of exhaustion, or loneliness, or having been around people too long and needing quiet time to refresh and relax and the more severe situations where we just "give in" to avoid conflict or just make things easier on ourselves.
What could you do to suddenly have a surge of energy and enthusiasm and a sense of clear-minded joy instead of this simple, miserable, heavy lethargy and push you into that winner's circle for many of those small daily goals we set for ourselves? Personally, I find it amazing and actually a little humorous to see how our personal human nature can lead us to the paths of least resistance even where we know the "players", the goals, and the rewards.
 What I'm talking about is our decision-making when it comes to doing what is truly good for us.
 Think of it...
let's imagine you have had a tough day.
 You're tired, lethargic, uninspired, and just feeling "done in".
One of those days when no matter what you tried to do, nothing worked out really well.
That builds up the fatigue/frustration level quite a bit.
 The mood for the rest of the day is rather dismal, and the very idea of trying to be cheerful and uplifting becomes a serious irritant.
 You will be waiting for someone to step on your last nerve!  So, generally, in the scenario described above, the average American will go home, be disgruntled, grab some kind of a snack that most likely is high in calories and low in nutrients, and crash on the favorite couch or chair.
What I have just described is taking the path of least resistance.
 We cave in to what the difficulties the day brought about, finding it easier to be a grouch than to be proactive and get on an uplifting path.
Somehow, we tend to feel like we have earned the right to this kind of response, and we can't dig down deeper to energize.
The simple solution to avoiding the Path of Least Resistance is EXERCISE! There absolutely is no getting around it: EXERCISE! Exercise is a fabulous tonic!  It is amazingly convenient, and does not need any special equipment.
 Think about it...
Take a walk! Â Yes! Â Seriously...
no matter where you are...
even in as short as 15 minutes you will see positive results! Â Hop on a bike if you can, and if you are home, pop in a DVD and get a quick workout.
 Connect your mind to your body, visualize your joints rotating, your muscles lengthening, your heart pumping harder, the circulation being stimulated and begin to absorb the marvelous feelings that ensue.
 Once you put your body into action, your brain begins to release energizing hormones and you will begin to mentally and emotionally be uplifted.
 There is no question that using your mental discipline will speed this process for you.
 Genuinely tune into your thoughts and do something just as simple as asking the question:  "Is this a healthy, good thing that I am doing?" The moment your mind recognizes that you are doing something positive, it is uplifted.
 Compare that to the same question you pose to yourself when you decide to do the couch potato/grouch mode.
 That question then would only add to your anger, thus driving you deeper into the mire.
 See how truly easy it is to pull yourself out of lethargy and into feeling good about yourself.
 That will surely give you a surge of refreshing energy! The more you work physically, the better you will feel mentally, your body will strengthen, you will tone up, look better and kick the lethargy/grunge/tension/stress out the window! Seriously..
 No excuses please.