School Dress Code: Practical, Comfy Clothes Are a Must
Parents pay heed! Child care providers and teachers everywhere beg you to dress your kids for play and not for cuteness when attending daycare or school! Whether or not there is a school dress code, kids need to wear functional, practical, comfortable and dirt-friendly attire. Play clothes that are easy to put on and take off encourage mobility for easy running and play times, independence in the bathroom (many kids simply can't snap those jeans or get overalls off in time), and freedom to draw, paint, and, gosh, be a kid!
Care providers lament that parents drop off absolutely-adorable kids with precious bows, ruffles, lace, cute overpanties, sailor hats and more, only to appear angry or at the very least, disappointed, when their precious tots are picked up that afternoon with dirt, food stains, or looking in disrepair. Even young school-aged kids need clothes that are easy to fasten and are comfortable when sitting for long hours (and yes, even accidents occur with this age when kids have waited too long to go to the restroom and then can't get their clothes down in time).
Some providers say that bows and cutesy attire are moved and placed in a child's diaper bag or backpack within the hour after parents depart. They do this because keeping those pricey outfits and accessories from getting lost or dirty adds too much stress and takes away from their primary function of caring for kids.
Other woes include dressing kids in outfits that are too warm, too big or small, or having youngsters wear impractical shoes that can present safety concerns or discomfort (leave those high-heel shoes or fancy types at home).
And, if your kid wears flip-flops, then please have the courtesy of packing tennis shoes (with clean socks)...or don't be surprised if kids end up with blisters or boo-boos.
A final hair-puller when it comes to school dress codes? Girls with elaborate hairstyles or hair that is long and in the face just begs for mishaps. Long, unfastened hair runs the risk of getting caught on playground equipment (one provider had to cut a girl's hair because it had become entangled around a bolt; another girl's hair was caught in a bike spoke because she kept peaking down at the wheels in motion).
Providers and teachers typically love and adore your children, and they already recognize their inner and outer beauty and charm. But having safe and content kids who are uninhibited in participating in outdoor games, on play grounds, and in the latest messy arts-n-project or science experiment, will be by far the happiest youngsters. (And photos of precious tots all cleaned up and in their finest attire are always welcomed by providers!)
Care providers and educators offer these Eight Things to Consider Before Dressing Your Child for Daycare or School as additional helpful information for parents! And for those parents who clamor for a dress-up day, special requests can always be made for a theme day or "fancy" attire day (just tuck in an extra pair of play clothes for later).
Care providers lament that parents drop off absolutely-adorable kids with precious bows, ruffles, lace, cute overpanties, sailor hats and more, only to appear angry or at the very least, disappointed, when their precious tots are picked up that afternoon with dirt, food stains, or looking in disrepair. Even young school-aged kids need clothes that are easy to fasten and are comfortable when sitting for long hours (and yes, even accidents occur with this age when kids have waited too long to go to the restroom and then can't get their clothes down in time).
Some providers say that bows and cutesy attire are moved and placed in a child's diaper bag or backpack within the hour after parents depart. They do this because keeping those pricey outfits and accessories from getting lost or dirty adds too much stress and takes away from their primary function of caring for kids.
Other woes include dressing kids in outfits that are too warm, too big or small, or having youngsters wear impractical shoes that can present safety concerns or discomfort (leave those high-heel shoes or fancy types at home).
And, if your kid wears flip-flops, then please have the courtesy of packing tennis shoes (with clean socks)...or don't be surprised if kids end up with blisters or boo-boos.
A final hair-puller when it comes to school dress codes? Girls with elaborate hairstyles or hair that is long and in the face just begs for mishaps. Long, unfastened hair runs the risk of getting caught on playground equipment (one provider had to cut a girl's hair because it had become entangled around a bolt; another girl's hair was caught in a bike spoke because she kept peaking down at the wheels in motion).
Providers and teachers typically love and adore your children, and they already recognize their inner and outer beauty and charm. But having safe and content kids who are uninhibited in participating in outdoor games, on play grounds, and in the latest messy arts-n-project or science experiment, will be by far the happiest youngsters. (And photos of precious tots all cleaned up and in their finest attire are always welcomed by providers!)
Care providers and educators offer these Eight Things to Consider Before Dressing Your Child for Daycare or School as additional helpful information for parents! And for those parents who clamor for a dress-up day, special requests can always be made for a theme day or "fancy" attire day (just tuck in an extra pair of play clothes for later).