Psychiatry and Mental Health - New Shocking Discoveries
The unconscious mind that produces our dreams is God's mind.
This is a very important scientific and religious truth.
God works like a natural psychotherapist because we have inherited craziness into the biggest part of our brain.
We are under-developed primates.
Our tiny conscience must be developed through dream therapy, so that we may become wise human beings instead of being violent.
My obedience to God's guidance in dreams was very difficult and painful.
God told me that I had to face craziness like a hero and attain sanctity to help Him save the human race from craziness and terror.
God told me that I had to tell my family that I was crazy and follow a treatment with a psychiatrist for a while.
What? Did I understand this guidance? Talking with God through dream messages was complicated.
When I became a dream expert I started using a small notebook to directly talk with the divine unconscious mind, without having to sleep and dream, and then, translate my dreams to understand the unconscious messages.
In this small notebook I wrote the basic unconscious answers.
Whenever I opened a page of the notebook I had God's answer on the right page.
Each message was a code.
The way I managed to find this code is quite complicated (like everything in my story) so I will just skip this explanation.
The direct and fast conversations I could have with God thanks to this notebook meant that there was a huge progress in our communication.
In the beginning, understanding God's guidance was not a simple matter for me.
You won't believe me if I will tell you everything I had to do until I would be able to decipher the unconscious messages in dreams and in my daily reality thanks to the symbolism contained in our reality, which is the same as the symbolic meaning contained in the same images in dreams.
I discovered that I could have more information about my reality by translating the facts I observed in my life the same way I translated the meaning of dreams.
However, nothing was enough.
Understanding God's guidance was an adventure.
At that time I was in the beginning of my very long journey.
I still ignored everything I could discover only much later, after passing though many other adventures.
I felt as if I was an actress playing the role of a super woman, while I was only a human being.
I knew I was absurd and this is why I was following dream therapy.
God would save me from schizophrenia thanks to the messages contained in my dreams.
Why did I have to face a psychiatrist? God told me that this was necessary because it was an important part of His plan for the elimination of evilness on Earth.
It was also necessary because I would have to really fight craziness.
I had to make my family believe that I had serious psychological problems.
I couldn't keep following my routine and assuming all my obligations as if everything was fine.
My mother would have to take care of my son in my place for a certain period of time.
You will verify in the end of this story how important this preparation was for many reasons.
Its shocking real meaning will help you believe in God's existence.
You'll verify that God makes miracles.
God's plan was complicated.
He knew many things I ignored.
I had to obey his guidance even without understanding the real purpose of this guidance.
This part was quite strange.
I simply hated it.
However, I was ignorant.
I couldn't understand God's intentions from the beginning.
He couldn't waste His time giving me explanations because I was in danger.
And I wouldn't be able to understand anything even with various explanations because first of all, many things that had not happened yet had to happen.
God could predict the future.
God knew too many things.
I had to be patient and trust His wisdom.
God depended on my faith and on my obedience.
In other words, I had to obey God's words like a soldier, without asking why he was giving me a certain order.
This was necessary because I was in great danger.
I would be attacked by Satan.
Satan is our anti-conscience, the wild part of our conscience that didn't evolve like our human conscience.
It is an idiotic demon, but at the same time it is very powerful and smart like a lion or a shark.
It generates mental illnesses within our conscience with the intention to control our behavior.
I felt as uncomfortable as if I was an astronaut in another planet.
What did God expect from me? A psychiatrist? This was ridiculous.
I was not that crazy, and I was obeying His guidance.
However, God told me to stop complaining and do what He was telling me to.
The fact that I could directly talk with God by using my little notebook became a big problem in my already problematic life.
However, it was a magical solution.
I knew that I was really talking with God.
I verified that I was really talking with God because He told me I was a terrible sinner and I didn't deserve to have the chance to be saved.
He was giving me this opportunity only because He was generous and He needed my help in order to save the human race from despair.
God was not only trying to save me from schizophrenia.
I had to learn how to be a psychiatrist and save many people from craziness and terror by translating the meaning of their dreams.
I was not important.
Only my mission was important.
I was a secret agent.
I hated my position.
However, what would have happened to me without God's guidance? I had no doubt that I was absurd.
I was afraid of my anger.
I understood that I couldn't control my behavior in many situations.
I had to unavoidably recognize my absurdity and my ignorance.
An ignorant and mentally ill creature like me couldn't understand the difficult plan of a genius.
God was trying to put an end to evilness during billions of years without success.
He traced a very complicated plan with the intention to finally attain this aim.
How could an idiotic creature like me understand God's intentions when He was giving me an order? I told my husband that I had discovered that all human beings are demons.
I knew that nobody would believe in the seriousness of my scientific research after continuing Carl Jung's research into the unknown region of the human psyche through dream interpretation.
However, I had to make my family believe that I couldn't understand that of course, they couldn't understand the meaning of my research and discoveries without having any previous knowledge about this matter.
I had to tell them that I had discovered that all human beings are demons, without taking their ignorance into consideration.
I knew that they would think that I was crazy, but this is what I had to accomplish.
I had to make my family believe that I suddenly became crazy and I needed a treatment with a psychiatrist.
This was part of God's plan for the elimination of craziness and terror on Earth.
This plan was a nightmare.
I had to accept everything because of this plan; which I couldn't see or understand.
I wished I was a nothing.
An irresponsible, inexistent, and invisible nothing without importance.
God told me that this experience was also necessary for the destruction of my dangerous ego.
I had to learn how to be humble.
I couldn't have the status quo I used to have in the past.
I had to lose my social position and the image of a leader.
I had to be in the position of a beggar, and depend on others for many reasons.
I remembered the tragic car accident I had to face when I was 15-years-old.
This accident made me stop believing in God's existence, and write a very strange philosophical romance, which was entitled "The Philanthropic Beggar'.
(This book was never published) This book was preparing me to face hell like a hero.
I had to be like the beggar, who was trying to put an end to poverty and violence on Earth, but was only a beggar, and had no power.
My scientific book helped me understand the real meaning of the literary book I had written inspired by the divine unconscious mind when I was an atheist.
This scientific book helped me find God.
Then, I started talking with God.
And then, I had to pass through hell.
This was the result of my research.
The continuation of Carl Jung's research into the unknown region of the human psyche through dream interpretation ended up in a battle.
I had to fight Satan.
I belonged to the next generation.
I had to complete Carl Jung's research instead of accepting ignorance.
After seriously studying Carl Jung's books and many other complicated scientific books, and after writing the beginning of my scientific book about the meaning of dreams and my conclusions, I saw myself in the position of a nun, having to obey God's orders like a soldier.
I couldn't believe that this was my destiny.
Help God put and end to craziness and terror? I couldn't believe that this terrible situation was really part of my daily life.
I was only a human being.
An imperfect human being.
God reminded me that I had to obey His orders like a soldier because there was great danger involved in my mission.
He couldn't give me explanations because I was ignorant.
I had no way to make God change his perfect plan for the elimination of craziness and terror.
He didn't care about my suffering.
On the contrary, He kept telling me that I really deserved to pass through hell.
My blood had no value.
Only I felt sorry for myself.
I told God that perhaps He was crazy because He wanted to transform demons into human beings.
This was more than impossible.
He had to simply accept this fact.
I also told Him that it was very easy to tell others what to do, but He wouldn't bear to be in my place.
His plan was absurd.
This was a true crucifixion.
Lose my status quo and my social position? Being considered an idiot? Ridiculous! God told me that He was Jesus.
He came to Earth as if He was His own son.
Nobody would bear suffering so much in His place.
Only God could die in a cross without complaining.
I remembered the religion lessons I had in my Catholic school.
I was constantly complaining, but I had to be like Saint Mary.
She didn't complain when the Gabriel angel told her that she had to accept being the mother of a child that was coming from God.
She was in a very difficult position.
I knew that God was a genius and He could put an end to all horrors.
I had to be grateful because I had the chance to find sound mental health by obeying His guidance.
I also had to help Him put his plan into practice.
I had to love this plan instead of hating it because it was based on my blood.
My blood had no value.
I was a monster.
I stopped concentrating my attention on my own suffering.
This experience with the psychiatrist was necessary because I had to become a psychiatrist and cure others and I had to see the two sides of the coin.
I had to be a patient who depends on a psychiatrist to understand how my patients would feel because they would depend on my guidance.
When we cure a mental illness through dream therapy the real doctor is God, but the dream translator deals with the patient and with all the existing problems, helping the patient put God's guidance into practice.
When I told my husband that God showed me in my dreams that all human beings are demons, he laughed.
He believed I was merely joking.
However, after a while he understood that I was not making fun of anything.
I was very serious.
He told my mother that I probably needed a psychiatric treatment because I was saying strange things, and having a strange behavior.
My mother blamed the scientific book I was writing.
I started writing it in February of 1988 in order to prove to the world that only Carl Jung had discovered the right method of dream interpretation.
However, besides having to prove that his method of dream interpretation was valid, I also had to continue his research.
My family couldn't understand the importance and the seriousness of my work, especially my mother, who was a very superficial person.
We were totally different.
She always was false; a perfect actress.
She pretended to be very worried and sad, while she was in fact afraid of what she would have to face because I was sick.
One of her friends knew a good psychiatrist.
I visited this doctor with my husband.
We talked with him for a while.
He said that he believed that it would be better for me if I would follow a treatment with another specialist, who was also a professor at the University of Athens.
My husband and I started visiting this second doctor every Monday.
He was supposed to help me after a certain 'crisis' during which I believed that I was controlled by a demon and I felt that this was a shocking experience.
I didn't want to feel this way again.
This is why I needed the psychiatrist's assistance.
Everything I was telling him was true.
I really saw the satanic anti-conscience when I discovered its existence, and this really was a very shocking experience.
I was not lying.
However, I knew that this doctor couldn't understand my research, or help me in any way.
I was only pretending that I was seeking his help because he was a specialist.
He was not a psychologist, so he didn't provide me with psychotherapy.
He only made me a few questions, always trying to find a way to give me medication for some reason.
This was what he was supposed to do, but he couldn't find a reason to give me medication.
He became very angry with me when I told him that I had continued Carl Jung's research and I had discovered the cure for all mental illnesses.
I told him that all mental illnesses are caused by the wild side of the human conscience, which is a demon.
I saw the demon, and I was more than shocked with this experience.
The psychiatrist told me that if my discoveries were true I should be honored with a Nobel Prize.
However, this was not the case.
I was totally ignorant.
I was not a brilliant psychiatrist like him.
He was able to cure others; not me.
He couldn't understand why I was visiting him.
I seemed to be perfectly normal.
God told me that I only had to pretend that I was afraid because I had discovered that all human beings are demons, and that I was a terrible demon.
One day I had a nightmare.
I dreamt that my mother was trying to kill my father with a knife.
They were in the bathroom.
I woke up terrified.
God told me to talk about this experience with the psychiatrist.
I called him up telling him that I was very afraid of my nightmare because I knew that it meant that my brain would be possessed by craziness.
The mother in dreams represents our satanic anti-conscience.
The father represents our human conscience.
The bathroom is related to our sexuality.
The fact that my mother was trying to kill my father in this dream meant that I would lose my mind.
This dream was predicting schizophrenia.
He gave me certain pills telling me that these pills would make me feel uncomfortable for a certain period of time, but in the end they would help me feel better.
I didn't understand why he was giving me this chemical substance or how it could help me in any way.
I was afraid to trust this arrogant doctor who believed that he knew everything, while he ignored what exists in the human brain.
God told me that I should take only two pills.
I felt so uncomfortable that I couldn't find peace neither sitting down nor standing up.
I was uncomfortable in all situations and positions.
The medication given by this psychiatrist was in fact causing a mental illness that I didn't have before meeting him.
I stopped taking these pills, besides visiting the psychiatrist with my husband every Monday.
I couldn't understand why I had to visit this doctor every Monday and talk about irrelevant matters.
However, my husband insisted that it was better to keep being under the protection of this specialist.
What kind of protection? He ignored everything about me and he didn't want to learn more.
He was simply waiting for an opportunity to give me medication for some reason.
My mother kept blaming the book I was writing, and all the books I had read.
She was unable to think logically without letting her feelings interfere in her judgment.
Her psychological type was the extroverted based on feelings.
She seemed to be good-hearted and balanced.
However, she was a big liar.
She always distorted her descriptions based on what was convenient for her.
She never had her own opinion about anything.
She merely repeated what she had heard, or what she had watched on TV.
My brother-in-law belonged to the same psychological type.
His behavior was as false and ridiculous as my mother's behavior, with the difference that he was not a good actor like my mother.
He used to make many questions.
When he had a problem he would interview everyone he knew, and ask them what they would do in his place if they had the same problem.
He was unable to make any important decision based on his own judgment.
He discussed my mental illness with all his uncles and aunts.
Everyone started calling me up and making me numerous questions.
They kept me busy giving them explanations, without helping me in any way.
Everybody in the family was worried because I stopped being the helpful person I used to be.
My uncle Dimitris pretended to care about my mental health, but in the end he told my mother that psychological problems had no solution.
He was my mother's oldest brother.
His behavior was very similar to my mother's behavior, with the difference that he was visibly immoral, while my mother always pretended to respect her morals.
Uncle Dimitris betrayed my mother exactly when I was having this problem with my mental health.
They had a store together, but he decided to keep the store only for himself.
I clearly understood that all human beings are in fact terrible demons.
I was not an exception.
God told me that I was the worst demon existent on Earth when He showed me the truth about my mental condition, but he didn't mention that most people on Earth are worst demons like me.
My relatives made me feel worse than I was feeling with this experience.
I lost my social position and my importance.
I was no more considered intelligent and able to write a brilliant scientific book that would put and end to humanity's suffering.
One day God told me to tell my family that I had decided to stop following the ridiculous treatment of this psychiatrist.
He was not helping me in any way.
I would continue my treatment by obeying the guidance of the wise unconscious mind in my dreams.
My husband and I got divorced.
He told me that I had to take care of our son without abandoning my responsibilities.
He believed that I was simply pretending to be crazy, and he refused to keep helping me.
I was really pretending to be crazier than I was because I had to obey God's guidance.
However, I knew that I was neurotic and I would surely become schizophrenic if I wouldn't follow psychotherapy.
I was not lying.
I was predicting that I would have to face horrible symptoms in the future and trying to prevent a severe mental illness.
God was in fact preparing me for the fight against my satanic anti-conscience.
My mother took care of my son, who was almost four-years-old at that time.
Since I had to fight craziness, she accepted to take care of him in my place.
When I was fine she never had enough time to stay with my little son to help me have some freedom, and feel that I had someone's support.
Then, I started facing the worst attacks of the satanic anti-conscience.
I had to fight dizziness, fainting, absurd thoughts, oral and visual distortions, blackouts, and hallucinations.
I managed to bear everything without fainting or losing my mind because I was constantly praying.
The prayers helped me feel connected with God and have the courage to go on.
Whenever I had to face hallucinations I had to stand up and walk, without remaining for long in the same position.
I had to walk around my bed for hours until the hallucinations would finally stop.
I walked praying and remembering that I was fighting craziness in the name of God.
I had to be a hero and help Him put a definitive end to craziness and terror.
My battle was very important.
I was very strong.
I knew I could bear everything and survive.
God chose me and prepared me for this battle because He knew that I was resistant.
I saw that the anti-conscience loses its energy when we show resistance to its attacks without screaming, fainting, or exploding of anger.
We have to bear its attacks without doing anything else besides praying.
Te horrible symptoms of craziness are generated by Satan, and have a limited duration.
At a certain point, the demon loses its destructive power.
When we show resistance to its attacks, we make it abandon our conscience.
After fighting craziness during 8 months with true heroism, I won this difficult and unbearable battle.
The strange symptoms of schizophrenia stopped torturing me.
However, I was not really glad.
After this experience everything completely changed.
The world became an unbearable hell.
I knew that all human beings were terrible demons.
I stopped being immature and naïve.
I was very sorry for God, who had to cure terrible demons.
I would never abandon Him.
His pain was more than unbearable.
I didn't want to be in His place.
God let me rest for two months.
Then, he told me that I had to assume my responsibilities again and find a job.
My mother talked with one of her younger brother's best friends, asking him if I could work in his travel agency.
He agreed with the idea even though he didn't really need anyone else in his office, and I started working there.
All my colleagues were aggressive and selfish.
They simply hated me.
My boss seemed to like me (even though he was married) because I was attractive.
God told me that this job in the travel agency would help me become strong again and relate the truth I had discovered to my daily reality.
I had to get adapted to my reality, after facing craziness and discovering that human beings are in fact demons with a human face.
This is a very important scientific and religious truth.
God works like a natural psychotherapist because we have inherited craziness into the biggest part of our brain.
We are under-developed primates.
Our tiny conscience must be developed through dream therapy, so that we may become wise human beings instead of being violent.
My obedience to God's guidance in dreams was very difficult and painful.
God told me that I had to face craziness like a hero and attain sanctity to help Him save the human race from craziness and terror.
God told me that I had to tell my family that I was crazy and follow a treatment with a psychiatrist for a while.
What? Did I understand this guidance? Talking with God through dream messages was complicated.
When I became a dream expert I started using a small notebook to directly talk with the divine unconscious mind, without having to sleep and dream, and then, translate my dreams to understand the unconscious messages.
In this small notebook I wrote the basic unconscious answers.
Whenever I opened a page of the notebook I had God's answer on the right page.
Each message was a code.
The way I managed to find this code is quite complicated (like everything in my story) so I will just skip this explanation.
The direct and fast conversations I could have with God thanks to this notebook meant that there was a huge progress in our communication.
In the beginning, understanding God's guidance was not a simple matter for me.
You won't believe me if I will tell you everything I had to do until I would be able to decipher the unconscious messages in dreams and in my daily reality thanks to the symbolism contained in our reality, which is the same as the symbolic meaning contained in the same images in dreams.
I discovered that I could have more information about my reality by translating the facts I observed in my life the same way I translated the meaning of dreams.
However, nothing was enough.
Understanding God's guidance was an adventure.
At that time I was in the beginning of my very long journey.
I still ignored everything I could discover only much later, after passing though many other adventures.
I felt as if I was an actress playing the role of a super woman, while I was only a human being.
I knew I was absurd and this is why I was following dream therapy.
God would save me from schizophrenia thanks to the messages contained in my dreams.
Why did I have to face a psychiatrist? God told me that this was necessary because it was an important part of His plan for the elimination of evilness on Earth.
It was also necessary because I would have to really fight craziness.
I had to make my family believe that I had serious psychological problems.
I couldn't keep following my routine and assuming all my obligations as if everything was fine.
My mother would have to take care of my son in my place for a certain period of time.
You will verify in the end of this story how important this preparation was for many reasons.
Its shocking real meaning will help you believe in God's existence.
You'll verify that God makes miracles.
God's plan was complicated.
He knew many things I ignored.
I had to obey his guidance even without understanding the real purpose of this guidance.
This part was quite strange.
I simply hated it.
However, I was ignorant.
I couldn't understand God's intentions from the beginning.
He couldn't waste His time giving me explanations because I was in danger.
And I wouldn't be able to understand anything even with various explanations because first of all, many things that had not happened yet had to happen.
God could predict the future.
God knew too many things.
I had to be patient and trust His wisdom.
God depended on my faith and on my obedience.
In other words, I had to obey God's words like a soldier, without asking why he was giving me a certain order.
This was necessary because I was in great danger.
I would be attacked by Satan.
Satan is our anti-conscience, the wild part of our conscience that didn't evolve like our human conscience.
It is an idiotic demon, but at the same time it is very powerful and smart like a lion or a shark.
It generates mental illnesses within our conscience with the intention to control our behavior.
I felt as uncomfortable as if I was an astronaut in another planet.
What did God expect from me? A psychiatrist? This was ridiculous.
I was not that crazy, and I was obeying His guidance.
However, God told me to stop complaining and do what He was telling me to.
The fact that I could directly talk with God by using my little notebook became a big problem in my already problematic life.
However, it was a magical solution.
I knew that I was really talking with God.
I verified that I was really talking with God because He told me I was a terrible sinner and I didn't deserve to have the chance to be saved.
He was giving me this opportunity only because He was generous and He needed my help in order to save the human race from despair.
God was not only trying to save me from schizophrenia.
I had to learn how to be a psychiatrist and save many people from craziness and terror by translating the meaning of their dreams.
I was not important.
Only my mission was important.
I was a secret agent.
I hated my position.
However, what would have happened to me without God's guidance? I had no doubt that I was absurd.
I was afraid of my anger.
I understood that I couldn't control my behavior in many situations.
I had to unavoidably recognize my absurdity and my ignorance.
An ignorant and mentally ill creature like me couldn't understand the difficult plan of a genius.
God was trying to put an end to evilness during billions of years without success.
He traced a very complicated plan with the intention to finally attain this aim.
How could an idiotic creature like me understand God's intentions when He was giving me an order? I told my husband that I had discovered that all human beings are demons.
I knew that nobody would believe in the seriousness of my scientific research after continuing Carl Jung's research into the unknown region of the human psyche through dream interpretation.
However, I had to make my family believe that I couldn't understand that of course, they couldn't understand the meaning of my research and discoveries without having any previous knowledge about this matter.
I had to tell them that I had discovered that all human beings are demons, without taking their ignorance into consideration.
I knew that they would think that I was crazy, but this is what I had to accomplish.
I had to make my family believe that I suddenly became crazy and I needed a treatment with a psychiatrist.
This was part of God's plan for the elimination of craziness and terror on Earth.
This plan was a nightmare.
I had to accept everything because of this plan; which I couldn't see or understand.
I wished I was a nothing.
An irresponsible, inexistent, and invisible nothing without importance.
God told me that this experience was also necessary for the destruction of my dangerous ego.
I had to learn how to be humble.
I couldn't have the status quo I used to have in the past.
I had to lose my social position and the image of a leader.
I had to be in the position of a beggar, and depend on others for many reasons.
I remembered the tragic car accident I had to face when I was 15-years-old.
This accident made me stop believing in God's existence, and write a very strange philosophical romance, which was entitled "The Philanthropic Beggar'.
(This book was never published) This book was preparing me to face hell like a hero.
I had to be like the beggar, who was trying to put an end to poverty and violence on Earth, but was only a beggar, and had no power.
My scientific book helped me understand the real meaning of the literary book I had written inspired by the divine unconscious mind when I was an atheist.
This scientific book helped me find God.
Then, I started talking with God.
And then, I had to pass through hell.
This was the result of my research.
The continuation of Carl Jung's research into the unknown region of the human psyche through dream interpretation ended up in a battle.
I had to fight Satan.
I belonged to the next generation.
I had to complete Carl Jung's research instead of accepting ignorance.
After seriously studying Carl Jung's books and many other complicated scientific books, and after writing the beginning of my scientific book about the meaning of dreams and my conclusions, I saw myself in the position of a nun, having to obey God's orders like a soldier.
I couldn't believe that this was my destiny.
Help God put and end to craziness and terror? I couldn't believe that this terrible situation was really part of my daily life.
I was only a human being.
An imperfect human being.
God reminded me that I had to obey His orders like a soldier because there was great danger involved in my mission.
He couldn't give me explanations because I was ignorant.
I had no way to make God change his perfect plan for the elimination of craziness and terror.
He didn't care about my suffering.
On the contrary, He kept telling me that I really deserved to pass through hell.
My blood had no value.
Only I felt sorry for myself.
I told God that perhaps He was crazy because He wanted to transform demons into human beings.
This was more than impossible.
He had to simply accept this fact.
I also told Him that it was very easy to tell others what to do, but He wouldn't bear to be in my place.
His plan was absurd.
This was a true crucifixion.
Lose my status quo and my social position? Being considered an idiot? Ridiculous! God told me that He was Jesus.
He came to Earth as if He was His own son.
Nobody would bear suffering so much in His place.
Only God could die in a cross without complaining.
I remembered the religion lessons I had in my Catholic school.
I was constantly complaining, but I had to be like Saint Mary.
She didn't complain when the Gabriel angel told her that she had to accept being the mother of a child that was coming from God.
She was in a very difficult position.
I knew that God was a genius and He could put an end to all horrors.
I had to be grateful because I had the chance to find sound mental health by obeying His guidance.
I also had to help Him put his plan into practice.
I had to love this plan instead of hating it because it was based on my blood.
My blood had no value.
I was a monster.
I stopped concentrating my attention on my own suffering.
This experience with the psychiatrist was necessary because I had to become a psychiatrist and cure others and I had to see the two sides of the coin.
I had to be a patient who depends on a psychiatrist to understand how my patients would feel because they would depend on my guidance.
When we cure a mental illness through dream therapy the real doctor is God, but the dream translator deals with the patient and with all the existing problems, helping the patient put God's guidance into practice.
When I told my husband that God showed me in my dreams that all human beings are demons, he laughed.
He believed I was merely joking.
However, after a while he understood that I was not making fun of anything.
I was very serious.
He told my mother that I probably needed a psychiatric treatment because I was saying strange things, and having a strange behavior.
My mother blamed the scientific book I was writing.
I started writing it in February of 1988 in order to prove to the world that only Carl Jung had discovered the right method of dream interpretation.
However, besides having to prove that his method of dream interpretation was valid, I also had to continue his research.
My family couldn't understand the importance and the seriousness of my work, especially my mother, who was a very superficial person.
We were totally different.
She always was false; a perfect actress.
She pretended to be very worried and sad, while she was in fact afraid of what she would have to face because I was sick.
One of her friends knew a good psychiatrist.
I visited this doctor with my husband.
We talked with him for a while.
He said that he believed that it would be better for me if I would follow a treatment with another specialist, who was also a professor at the University of Athens.
My husband and I started visiting this second doctor every Monday.
He was supposed to help me after a certain 'crisis' during which I believed that I was controlled by a demon and I felt that this was a shocking experience.
I didn't want to feel this way again.
This is why I needed the psychiatrist's assistance.
Everything I was telling him was true.
I really saw the satanic anti-conscience when I discovered its existence, and this really was a very shocking experience.
I was not lying.
However, I knew that this doctor couldn't understand my research, or help me in any way.
I was only pretending that I was seeking his help because he was a specialist.
He was not a psychologist, so he didn't provide me with psychotherapy.
He only made me a few questions, always trying to find a way to give me medication for some reason.
This was what he was supposed to do, but he couldn't find a reason to give me medication.
He became very angry with me when I told him that I had continued Carl Jung's research and I had discovered the cure for all mental illnesses.
I told him that all mental illnesses are caused by the wild side of the human conscience, which is a demon.
I saw the demon, and I was more than shocked with this experience.
The psychiatrist told me that if my discoveries were true I should be honored with a Nobel Prize.
However, this was not the case.
I was totally ignorant.
I was not a brilliant psychiatrist like him.
He was able to cure others; not me.
He couldn't understand why I was visiting him.
I seemed to be perfectly normal.
God told me that I only had to pretend that I was afraid because I had discovered that all human beings are demons, and that I was a terrible demon.
One day I had a nightmare.
I dreamt that my mother was trying to kill my father with a knife.
They were in the bathroom.
I woke up terrified.
God told me to talk about this experience with the psychiatrist.
I called him up telling him that I was very afraid of my nightmare because I knew that it meant that my brain would be possessed by craziness.
The mother in dreams represents our satanic anti-conscience.
The father represents our human conscience.
The bathroom is related to our sexuality.
The fact that my mother was trying to kill my father in this dream meant that I would lose my mind.
This dream was predicting schizophrenia.
He gave me certain pills telling me that these pills would make me feel uncomfortable for a certain period of time, but in the end they would help me feel better.
I didn't understand why he was giving me this chemical substance or how it could help me in any way.
I was afraid to trust this arrogant doctor who believed that he knew everything, while he ignored what exists in the human brain.
God told me that I should take only two pills.
I felt so uncomfortable that I couldn't find peace neither sitting down nor standing up.
I was uncomfortable in all situations and positions.
The medication given by this psychiatrist was in fact causing a mental illness that I didn't have before meeting him.
I stopped taking these pills, besides visiting the psychiatrist with my husband every Monday.
I couldn't understand why I had to visit this doctor every Monday and talk about irrelevant matters.
However, my husband insisted that it was better to keep being under the protection of this specialist.
What kind of protection? He ignored everything about me and he didn't want to learn more.
He was simply waiting for an opportunity to give me medication for some reason.
My mother kept blaming the book I was writing, and all the books I had read.
She was unable to think logically without letting her feelings interfere in her judgment.
Her psychological type was the extroverted based on feelings.
She seemed to be good-hearted and balanced.
However, she was a big liar.
She always distorted her descriptions based on what was convenient for her.
She never had her own opinion about anything.
She merely repeated what she had heard, or what she had watched on TV.
My brother-in-law belonged to the same psychological type.
His behavior was as false and ridiculous as my mother's behavior, with the difference that he was not a good actor like my mother.
He used to make many questions.
When he had a problem he would interview everyone he knew, and ask them what they would do in his place if they had the same problem.
He was unable to make any important decision based on his own judgment.
He discussed my mental illness with all his uncles and aunts.
Everyone started calling me up and making me numerous questions.
They kept me busy giving them explanations, without helping me in any way.
Everybody in the family was worried because I stopped being the helpful person I used to be.
My uncle Dimitris pretended to care about my mental health, but in the end he told my mother that psychological problems had no solution.
He was my mother's oldest brother.
His behavior was very similar to my mother's behavior, with the difference that he was visibly immoral, while my mother always pretended to respect her morals.
Uncle Dimitris betrayed my mother exactly when I was having this problem with my mental health.
They had a store together, but he decided to keep the store only for himself.
I clearly understood that all human beings are in fact terrible demons.
I was not an exception.
God told me that I was the worst demon existent on Earth when He showed me the truth about my mental condition, but he didn't mention that most people on Earth are worst demons like me.
My relatives made me feel worse than I was feeling with this experience.
I lost my social position and my importance.
I was no more considered intelligent and able to write a brilliant scientific book that would put and end to humanity's suffering.
One day God told me to tell my family that I had decided to stop following the ridiculous treatment of this psychiatrist.
He was not helping me in any way.
I would continue my treatment by obeying the guidance of the wise unconscious mind in my dreams.
My husband and I got divorced.
He told me that I had to take care of our son without abandoning my responsibilities.
He believed that I was simply pretending to be crazy, and he refused to keep helping me.
I was really pretending to be crazier than I was because I had to obey God's guidance.
However, I knew that I was neurotic and I would surely become schizophrenic if I wouldn't follow psychotherapy.
I was not lying.
I was predicting that I would have to face horrible symptoms in the future and trying to prevent a severe mental illness.
God was in fact preparing me for the fight against my satanic anti-conscience.
My mother took care of my son, who was almost four-years-old at that time.
Since I had to fight craziness, she accepted to take care of him in my place.
When I was fine she never had enough time to stay with my little son to help me have some freedom, and feel that I had someone's support.
Then, I started facing the worst attacks of the satanic anti-conscience.
I had to fight dizziness, fainting, absurd thoughts, oral and visual distortions, blackouts, and hallucinations.
I managed to bear everything without fainting or losing my mind because I was constantly praying.
The prayers helped me feel connected with God and have the courage to go on.
Whenever I had to face hallucinations I had to stand up and walk, without remaining for long in the same position.
I had to walk around my bed for hours until the hallucinations would finally stop.
I walked praying and remembering that I was fighting craziness in the name of God.
I had to be a hero and help Him put a definitive end to craziness and terror.
My battle was very important.
I was very strong.
I knew I could bear everything and survive.
God chose me and prepared me for this battle because He knew that I was resistant.
I saw that the anti-conscience loses its energy when we show resistance to its attacks without screaming, fainting, or exploding of anger.
We have to bear its attacks without doing anything else besides praying.
Te horrible symptoms of craziness are generated by Satan, and have a limited duration.
At a certain point, the demon loses its destructive power.
When we show resistance to its attacks, we make it abandon our conscience.
After fighting craziness during 8 months with true heroism, I won this difficult and unbearable battle.
The strange symptoms of schizophrenia stopped torturing me.
However, I was not really glad.
After this experience everything completely changed.
The world became an unbearable hell.
I knew that all human beings were terrible demons.
I stopped being immature and naïve.
I was very sorry for God, who had to cure terrible demons.
I would never abandon Him.
His pain was more than unbearable.
I didn't want to be in His place.
God let me rest for two months.
Then, he told me that I had to assume my responsibilities again and find a job.
My mother talked with one of her younger brother's best friends, asking him if I could work in his travel agency.
He agreed with the idea even though he didn't really need anyone else in his office, and I started working there.
All my colleagues were aggressive and selfish.
They simply hated me.
My boss seemed to like me (even though he was married) because I was attractive.
God told me that this job in the travel agency would help me become strong again and relate the truth I had discovered to my daily reality.
I had to get adapted to my reality, after facing craziness and discovering that human beings are in fact demons with a human face.