The truth about catfishing
Do you know why most people actually prefer catfishing over other types of fishing? Well if it's popular and preferable, then there must be a reason behind its popularity. There are probably 3 main reasons that make an angler choose catfishing. These reasons are because it's challenging to catch big cats, it's very rewarding to go home with a full bucket of big cats and because it's also very enjoyable and funny to do this activity. This activity isn't only practiced on an amateur level by catfish hobbyists, but many expert anglers practice it consistently as a sport where they get to participate in different tournaments and win big prizes.
Before you consider going catfishing, you need to consider learning some catfish facts first. If you learn how this fish moves, feeds and breeds, you'll have a great advantage at catching it easily. Using the right catfishing gear is also crucial and could affect your catfishing by a big deal. If you're a fan of the €set it and forget it concept€, then you might consider making or purchasing ready-made catfish traps and check them from time to time to see if they did their job.
Many people would argue about the fact that baits are probably the most important factor that determines your catfishing success or the opposite. As I really like to look at various aspects equally, I also believe that baits are very important if you want to catch as many big catfish as you want. Catfish relies mainly on its barbells to search for food, so the shape of your bait has nothing to do with your success. If you want to ensure the maximum catch, you need to choose strong scented baits like cut baits. Because catfish relies on scents when feeding, it will come directly toward your hook.
The next logical thing to look after is considering what catfishing technique you'll be using. As I tried many techniques and all of them have worked really fine, it's really up to you whether you want to choose noodling catfish, jug or trotline fishing. You may experiment with simpler techniques first and see what's the most suitable one for you. Just consider going in the early morning or the late evening because catfish likes to go out and feed in these times.
I know that it will be always a challenge for you to catch big catfish no matter what your status is. But it's always good to pursue your dreams and catch a monster catfish that will be a world record for you.
Before you consider going catfishing, you need to consider learning some catfish facts first. If you learn how this fish moves, feeds and breeds, you'll have a great advantage at catching it easily. Using the right catfishing gear is also crucial and could affect your catfishing by a big deal. If you're a fan of the €set it and forget it concept€, then you might consider making or purchasing ready-made catfish traps and check them from time to time to see if they did their job.
Many people would argue about the fact that baits are probably the most important factor that determines your catfishing success or the opposite. As I really like to look at various aspects equally, I also believe that baits are very important if you want to catch as many big catfish as you want. Catfish relies mainly on its barbells to search for food, so the shape of your bait has nothing to do with your success. If you want to ensure the maximum catch, you need to choose strong scented baits like cut baits. Because catfish relies on scents when feeding, it will come directly toward your hook.
The next logical thing to look after is considering what catfishing technique you'll be using. As I tried many techniques and all of them have worked really fine, it's really up to you whether you want to choose noodling catfish, jug or trotline fishing. You may experiment with simpler techniques first and see what's the most suitable one for you. Just consider going in the early morning or the late evening because catfish likes to go out and feed in these times.
I know that it will be always a challenge for you to catch big catfish no matter what your status is. But it's always good to pursue your dreams and catch a monster catfish that will be a world record for you.