How to Tie Two Pieces of Fishing Line Together
- 1). Familiarize yourself with fishing tips that include how to tie knots in fishing line. There are at least three effective ways of doing this, and you should practice the methods. Those mentioned are necessarily for tying tackle to a line.
- 2). Practice the blood knot, which is effective for tying two pieces of monofilament line of fairly equal thickness. Overlap the ends of the lines to be joined. Now twist them together about 10 times. Push the two ends through a small circular gap you make by spreading open one of the twists at the center of the knot. Now pull the knot together and using a clipper or knife or scissors, trim excess line.
- 3). Practice a knot from the system developed by fishing-book author Vic Dunaway. Again using two lines of about the same thickness, overlap them about 6 inches. Take one end and loop it back to the midpoint of the overlapped fishing lines to form what Dunaway calls a uni-knot circle. With the loose end, come back into the circle, like rabbit going back into his hole (just like when you were a child learning to tie your shoe). Now wrap the line six times around the two fishing lines and take the loose end back out of the circle. Pull tight the loose end to form knot, then pull tightly on both lines to secure knot. Trim excess line.
- 4). Practice the surgeon's knot. Unlike the two reviewed above, it is effective when used to tie together two lines of unequal diameter. Place the two pieces parallel to each other for several inches. Now, take one end and make a loop back over the two lines to make a circle. Moisten the area that is overlapped. Take one loose end and wrap the line around one section of the circle a couple of times. Grasp the two ends and pull tight. Trim excess line. (This is not recommend for line of more than 30 pounds. The knot will be too difficult to tighten.)
- 5). Practice the Albright knot, also good for joining two unequal lines. It is made essentially the same way as surgeon's knot, but with more wraps around the line to make sure knot is secure.
Study fishing tips