Quick Calculations At Little Master Mind | Ahmedabad
What you see How quickly can you calculate 1456 x 3564 without using a calculator? Sounds tough? Strangely, it does not take more than a minute for small hands at Little Master Mind in Satellite, Ahmedabad to move the beads on the Abacus (bamboo frame with beads sliding on wires) and show us the right answer.
Little Master Mind imparts training in UCMAS (Universal Concept of Mental Arithmetic System), which is a brain development program. The institute in Twinkle complex, next to Dhananjay Mind maths, students, AhmedabadTowers on Anand Nagar road is a two-room class with sufficient number of benches occupied with children wearing yellow colored uniform. On the wall there is a black board with a big Abacus hung right next to it. Children have their individual Abacus placed on their bench. The class is run by Rani Mohan, who herself has undergone training in UCMAS.
What you get - The Abacus system of calculations is an ancient system that was used long before the modern calculating systems came into existence.
When a child uses both his hands to move the beads on Abacus, the coordination and communication between the hands and the brain is akin to an acupressure exercise. This is believed to stimulate both the right as well as the left hemispheres of brain thereby helping in brain development.
The program at Little Master Mind also consists of speed test (writing in speed) and flash card method where concepts are taught with the help of images. Rani Mohan says this program not only helps a child perform better in maths, but also in other subjects, thereby improving his confidence. Other benefits include improvement in concentration level and listening skills.
The course is spread across eight levels with each level taking about three months. So for completing the entire course it may take around two years. They charge around Rs. 1,490 per level + Rs. 735 as registration fees. The fees include the cost of books and abacus as well. Examinations are also taken at regular intervals of this certificate course. Kids between four and 12 years are in the ideal age group to join.
Our verdict The faculty at Little Master Mind is well-qualified and dedicated. They even conduct additional classes to help students practice better. They also conduct summer workshops for children. Parking space is available.
Anytime between 12 PM - 2 PM (Closed on Thursdays)
Little Master Mind imparts training in UCMAS (Universal Concept of Mental Arithmetic System), which is a brain development program. The institute in Twinkle complex, next to Dhananjay Mind maths, students, AhmedabadTowers on Anand Nagar road is a two-room class with sufficient number of benches occupied with children wearing yellow colored uniform. On the wall there is a black board with a big Abacus hung right next to it. Children have their individual Abacus placed on their bench. The class is run by Rani Mohan, who herself has undergone training in UCMAS.
What you get - The Abacus system of calculations is an ancient system that was used long before the modern calculating systems came into existence.
When a child uses both his hands to move the beads on Abacus, the coordination and communication between the hands and the brain is akin to an acupressure exercise. This is believed to stimulate both the right as well as the left hemispheres of brain thereby helping in brain development.
The program at Little Master Mind also consists of speed test (writing in speed) and flash card method where concepts are taught with the help of images. Rani Mohan says this program not only helps a child perform better in maths, but also in other subjects, thereby improving his confidence. Other benefits include improvement in concentration level and listening skills.
The course is spread across eight levels with each level taking about three months. So for completing the entire course it may take around two years. They charge around Rs. 1,490 per level + Rs. 735 as registration fees. The fees include the cost of books and abacus as well. Examinations are also taken at regular intervals of this certificate course. Kids between four and 12 years are in the ideal age group to join.
Our verdict The faculty at Little Master Mind is well-qualified and dedicated. They even conduct additional classes to help students practice better. They also conduct summer workshops for children. Parking space is available.
Anytime between 12 PM - 2 PM (Closed on Thursdays)