Relationship Advice - When Is It Time For You To Think About Divorce?
Holding a marriage together is hard work and, even with constant attention and a desire to stay together, there comes a time for many couples when things jut appear hopeless.
But how do you know when it's time to call it quits? Many experts think they know the secret to a long and happy marriage.
Even so, the rate of divorce is still around 50 per cent of all the couples who say "I do".
But at what point do you decide to throw in the towel? While there is no simple answer to this, there are some tips you can use as guidelines that might help make the decision easier.
Tip No.
1: If the marriage has crumbled because of an affair, then the faithful spouse needs to determine if they will ever be able to trust their spouse again...
or if they even want to! A little soul-searching could make this decision easier than you think.
Tip No.
2: You first have to decide if the relationship is still healthy.
What are the reasons for your fighting so often? Is it because of an extreme circumstance, such as substance abuse or do you seem to argue about any and everything? If being around your spouse automatically sets you off...
then find out why! Have you lost the ability to communicate or is the friction just too high to control? Tip No.
3: Is communication a problem? Have you talked to a counselor? Are both sides willing to see one? And most importantly, do you still love this person enough to want to try to make it work? After a spouse reaches the point of no return in their relationship, even counseling isn't going to save it.
Tip No.
4: Many couples will use children to justify staying in an unhealthy relationship.
Children are fragile and can become absolutely devastated watching their parents tear each other apart.
Is it healthier for your children to see you live like this, or having a calmer existence apart? No one says divorce is easy on children, but it could put a stop to the viciousness they could associate with being marriage.
How will this affect their choice of a partner? Tip No.
5: Is money holding your family together? When only one partner works, there is a tendency to stay together for fear the two cannot financially survive apart.
You might have to sit down with a financial planner, but you need to know if money is the only reason for you staying in your marriage.
But how do you know when it's time to call it quits? Many experts think they know the secret to a long and happy marriage.
Even so, the rate of divorce is still around 50 per cent of all the couples who say "I do".
But at what point do you decide to throw in the towel? While there is no simple answer to this, there are some tips you can use as guidelines that might help make the decision easier.
Tip No.
1: If the marriage has crumbled because of an affair, then the faithful spouse needs to determine if they will ever be able to trust their spouse again...
or if they even want to! A little soul-searching could make this decision easier than you think.
Tip No.
2: You first have to decide if the relationship is still healthy.
What are the reasons for your fighting so often? Is it because of an extreme circumstance, such as substance abuse or do you seem to argue about any and everything? If being around your spouse automatically sets you off...
then find out why! Have you lost the ability to communicate or is the friction just too high to control? Tip No.
3: Is communication a problem? Have you talked to a counselor? Are both sides willing to see one? And most importantly, do you still love this person enough to want to try to make it work? After a spouse reaches the point of no return in their relationship, even counseling isn't going to save it.
Tip No.
4: Many couples will use children to justify staying in an unhealthy relationship.
Children are fragile and can become absolutely devastated watching their parents tear each other apart.
Is it healthier for your children to see you live like this, or having a calmer existence apart? No one says divorce is easy on children, but it could put a stop to the viciousness they could associate with being marriage.
How will this affect their choice of a partner? Tip No.
5: Is money holding your family together? When only one partner works, there is a tendency to stay together for fear the two cannot financially survive apart.
You might have to sit down with a financial planner, but you need to know if money is the only reason for you staying in your marriage.