Pregnancy Signs
- A late or missed cycle is the most common sign of pregnancy. Most women have a monthly menstrual cycle that stops while they are pregnant while other women continue to bleed throughout the full pregnancy. Those who continue to bleed usually experience bleeding that is shorter and lighter than a normal period.
- It is perfectly normal to gain up to thirty-five pounds when pregnant. This is an unavoidable symptom of pregnancy. As early as the first trimester, a woman begins gaining weight and will notice this weight gain primarily in her abdomen when putting on clothing like pants, for example.
- Another pregnancy symptom is lower back pain. Pain in the lower back is caused by weight gain and the fact that there is a little person growing inside. The uterus and the baby are getting bigger and this puts pressure on the lower back. The ligaments in the back are also becoming lax as the baby continues to grow causing more stress on the lower back.
- Morning sickness typically shows up two to eight weeks after conception. This comon sign of pregnancy is different for everyone. A number of women experience nausea so bad that it causes them to vomit everyday during their pregnancy. Some women have morning sickness only in the morning; others experience the nausea all day. Some only experience this symptom in the first trimester, while others will go through most of their pregnancy feeling nauseous.
- Most pregnant women find themselves using the restroom more often. This occurs after the embryo has implanted in the uterus. The uterus begins putting pressure on the bladder and this triggers the frequent urination.
- Feeling fatigued is a pregnancy symptom that can start as early as the first week after conception due to the body now working overtime to nourish and grow a developing baby. Previous activities that were not tiring before now take more effort and energy. A woman who used to be able to walk effortlessly up a flight of stairs may now find herself unusually winded.
Unusual or abnormal period
Weight Gain
Low Back Pain
Morning sickness
Frequent urination