How to Find Property Lines in Kane County, Illinois
- 1). Choose the parcel of land you wish to inquire about. If you're moving to Kane County, you should check out where the property lines are to get ahead of any possible quarrels with neighbors.
- 2). Visit the Kane County Recorder's website. The website has a search engine that will allow you to search land records online. Search by name of the current land owner or by the document number given to you for the parcel of land as recorded by the county; each search could net up to 1,000 returns.
- 3). Visit the county recorder at 719 S. Batavia Avenue, Geneva, Illinois. If you are unlucky in your online search, the best way to find what you're looking for is to go into the recorder's office on the edge of downtown Geneva. Personnel at the office in the Kane County government complex will be able to pull up files that might not be available online. Call 630-232-5935 ahead of time to make sure the office is open.