Save From a Rainy Day
Is the rain fall in your area 200 mm per year or more? No other source of water around? Then Rain Water Harvesting may be your only salvation.
Isn't there plenty of water around for every one? Water is the cradle for all forms of life on Earth and perhaps elsewhere in the universe as well for all we know.
If your habitat does not meet the above minimum criterion, no way it would sustain life as we know on Earth.
Whether it is the mild drizzle or devastating flood, what does it matter if the zillions of litres of water are not retained where it is needed most? The booming world population has brought about a crises where the consumption of water is about to overrun the available limited resources.
The irony of it is that the consumption of water for drinking and hygiene is a drop in the bucket compared to what is wasted for flushing toilets, washing clothes, cars, ponds, artificial fountains and waterfalls, irrigating your garden and lawn etc.
Trouble with utility water supply Treated water:
Save rain; save money; save future Rain water harvesting is the accumulation and storing of rain water.
Where the water is in short supply you may find rain water harvesting the only option for your water supply.
Rain water after the first rain will be almost potable.
Certainly this will be purer than what most third world inhabitants consume.
Ground water recharging, live stock farming, agriculture etc.
are large scale uses of harvested rain water.
At domestic level all activities except drinking and personal hygiene can utilize harvested rain water.
If hard water is a problem in your area, rain water harvested is an excellent solution.
It will lather easily and save soap and detergent.
However those who live near refineries, power plants and other industries may find water acidic due to contaminant gases released to the environment.
Isn't there plenty of water around for every one? Water is the cradle for all forms of life on Earth and perhaps elsewhere in the universe as well for all we know.
If your habitat does not meet the above minimum criterion, no way it would sustain life as we know on Earth.
Whether it is the mild drizzle or devastating flood, what does it matter if the zillions of litres of water are not retained where it is needed most? The booming world population has brought about a crises where the consumption of water is about to overrun the available limited resources.
The irony of it is that the consumption of water for drinking and hygiene is a drop in the bucket compared to what is wasted for flushing toilets, washing clothes, cars, ponds, artificial fountains and waterfalls, irrigating your garden and lawn etc.
Trouble with utility water supply Treated water:
- Cost tons of money
- Utility Authorities will recover it from you with profit.
(No doubt the feeling of the dwindling purse is sureto affect your health too) - The more consumers join the procession; lesser water will be left for everyone.
- The more litres of raw water needed and treated water produced, more energy will be needed for eg.
Forpumping water. - More energy spent means more CO2 emitted at the power plant contributing to global warming.
- Global warming will lead to Ice (which is fresh water!) Melting at Polar Regions in huge proportions transforming ice to sea water.
- All these will only contribute to still more irregular weather patterns (sometimes catastrophic) taking us back to square one searching for water.
Save rain; save money; save future Rain water harvesting is the accumulation and storing of rain water.
Where the water is in short supply you may find rain water harvesting the only option for your water supply.
Rain water after the first rain will be almost potable.
Certainly this will be purer than what most third world inhabitants consume.
Ground water recharging, live stock farming, agriculture etc.
are large scale uses of harvested rain water.
At domestic level all activities except drinking and personal hygiene can utilize harvested rain water.
If hard water is a problem in your area, rain water harvested is an excellent solution.
It will lather easily and save soap and detergent.
However those who live near refineries, power plants and other industries may find water acidic due to contaminant gases released to the environment.