Home Remedy for Dark Spots on the Neck
- A mixture of 1 tsp. milk powder, ½ tsp. almond oil, 1 tsp. lemon juice and 1 tsp. honey will lighten dark spots. Mix the ingredients in a small bowl, and stir thoroughly. Apply this treatment to your neck with a cotton ball. Let the mixture stand on each dark spot for 15 minutes, then wash off with a clean cloth and cold water.
- Using a mixture of 1 tbsp. oatmeal, 1 tbsp. curd and 1 tbsp. tomato juice, canned or fresh, can also lighten dark spots on your neck. Mix the oatmeal, curd and tomato juice in a glass, and rub the treatment on your neck. Let the treatment stand for 20 minutes, then wash it off with a clean cloth and cold water.
- Want a treatment that doesn't require mixing ingredients? Cut one to two medium potatoes into small slices, and place the slices on your neck. Keep the potato slices in place for 15 minutes. Repeat the application nightly. The potato slices will help reduce marks, blemishes and help lighten your skin.
- Lime juice is a natural skin lightener that is easy to apply to dark spots on your neck. Mix 1 tsp. of turmeric powder with 2 tsp. of lime juice. Stir the mixture, and apply it with a cotton ball or soft cloth. Wash the treatment from your neck the next time you take a shower.
- Another almond-based home remedy that will lighten dark spots on your neck is a mixture of four almonds soaked overnight and 1 tsp. of milk. Grind the almonds in a bowl, and add the milk. Stir the ingredients into a paste. Rub the treatment on your neck and leave on overnight. When you get up the next day, wash your neck with cold water. Do the almond paste treatment nightly for 15 days. The treatment then needs to be done twice a week.
Milk Powder & Almond Oil Treatment
Oatmeal Treatment
Raw Potato Treatment
Turmeric & Lime Juice Treatment
Almond Paste Treatment