Acne Can Be Treated And There Are Acne Cures Available
Acne is a skin disorder that confronts thousands of people in all over the world.Mostly teens are affected by acne and zits but kids and adults are also facing this problem now from time to time. Reports have revealed that acne can cause both physical as well mental sufferings and can result in person's low self esteem. Having such kind of feeling, it is no wonder that almost all of the acne sufferers respond to specific acne cures and treatments which will help them to eradicate the acne problem.
But , the question is that do we have any methods to cure acne ? A lot of research has been done and countless studies have been conducted to find such treatments. Till these days,there's no one meticulous magic acne cure that can totally cure acne, but some products are claiming that they can. Nevertheless, this news is not at all bad because a lot of acne treatments, known by many as Acne Cures, are now accessible on the marketplace. The acne cures available differs depending on the kind of skin , acne history of the patient, and the seriousness of the disease. Age also plays an important factor.
The most common acne cures are those which are available over-the-counter such as externally applied creams, pills , astringents etc.These acne cures are in fact non-prescription goods that are to some degree proved capable for eradicating the whiteheads and blackheads. Many of these acne cures promote the skin to peel off, providing a way to the new skin to renovate.
Antibiotics are another forms of acne cures but these are available as "prescription only" because these can be harmful if taken without consulting with the doctor.These types of acne cure generally helps in removing acne by means of knocking out the acne-causing bacteria that contaminate the pores. On the other hand, there are many occasions that acne may become unaffected by these forms of acne cure, turning them ineffective in the end. It is also worth noting that topical antibiotics have certain adverse side-effects that need to be considered before choosing one of them.
Oral antibiotics are also available in the market and can be chosen as an alternative to the topical antibiotics. Perhaps one of the disadvantage about this kind of acne cure is the fact that since they are taken orally, there is a great chance that it will affect the total body, causing serious side-effects afterward. Apart from the other side-effects of these forms of acne cures , some are nausea and dizziness. These are the most common.
There are also some vitamin A derivatives out there that can help stop the cells in the skin from clumping together and promote the skin to shed. Although, just like the above mentioned acne cures, these too have their after effects like mental disorder, dryness, irritation, redness, and genetic defects.
The information given in this article is only for informative purposes and should not be followed without consulting with your dermatologist. The author of this article should not be held responsible for any unfavorable results.
But , the question is that do we have any methods to cure acne ? A lot of research has been done and countless studies have been conducted to find such treatments. Till these days,there's no one meticulous magic acne cure that can totally cure acne, but some products are claiming that they can. Nevertheless, this news is not at all bad because a lot of acne treatments, known by many as Acne Cures, are now accessible on the marketplace. The acne cures available differs depending on the kind of skin , acne history of the patient, and the seriousness of the disease. Age also plays an important factor.
The most common acne cures are those which are available over-the-counter such as externally applied creams, pills , astringents etc.These acne cures are in fact non-prescription goods that are to some degree proved capable for eradicating the whiteheads and blackheads. Many of these acne cures promote the skin to peel off, providing a way to the new skin to renovate.
Antibiotics are another forms of acne cures but these are available as "prescription only" because these can be harmful if taken without consulting with the doctor.These types of acne cure generally helps in removing acne by means of knocking out the acne-causing bacteria that contaminate the pores. On the other hand, there are many occasions that acne may become unaffected by these forms of acne cure, turning them ineffective in the end. It is also worth noting that topical antibiotics have certain adverse side-effects that need to be considered before choosing one of them.
Oral antibiotics are also available in the market and can be chosen as an alternative to the topical antibiotics. Perhaps one of the disadvantage about this kind of acne cure is the fact that since they are taken orally, there is a great chance that it will affect the total body, causing serious side-effects afterward. Apart from the other side-effects of these forms of acne cures , some are nausea and dizziness. These are the most common.
There are also some vitamin A derivatives out there that can help stop the cells in the skin from clumping together and promote the skin to shed. Although, just like the above mentioned acne cures, these too have their after effects like mental disorder, dryness, irritation, redness, and genetic defects.
The information given in this article is only for informative purposes and should not be followed without consulting with your dermatologist. The author of this article should not be held responsible for any unfavorable results.