Benefits of Superfood
- Delicious cooked salmon
These three foods and supplements are responsible for healthy skin, bones and reducing inflammation in the body.They are also capable of keeping the cardiovascular system in good running order. - When selecting nuts as part of your diet it is always best to select raw nuts that have no processing. Each different nut has a specific benefit for good health.
- Broccoli cooked or raw is a super food
The cruciferous vegetables include broccoli, cabbage and kale. These vegetables have anti-cancer and anti-estrogen properties. Spinach is special all by itself which helps reduce bone loss, benefits the heart and possess anti-cancer properties. - Citrus fruits are high in the very necessary vitamin C, magnesium and vitamin A. These are all good for lowering blood pressure and keeping bones and teeth healthy. Tomatoes are excellent for the prevention of cancer especially when they are in paste or sauce form.
- Strawberries just one of many super foods
All berries are of great nutritional value as they are high in antioxidants which help prevent cancer and eye diseases. Yogurt is great for improving gastrointestinal health. Adding berries and flax meal to the yogurt gives it a real burst to your good health. - Taking advantage of as many superfoods each day will ensure your good health. It also will help eliminate your eating non-nutrition snacks and junk food. Make it a point to have at least six or seven super foods per day.
Fish Oil, Salmon, Flaxseed
Cruciferous Vegetables and Spinach
Other Superfoods
Berries and Yogurt
Why Eat Superfoods