Ideas for Yearbook Dedications
- A graduation capgraduation image by timur1970 from
If you are writing your high school son or daughter a yearbook dedication, you have a lot of different factors to balance. First of all, you need to avoid embarrassing your child with a yearbook dedication that reads too corny or too goofy. You need to create something that your child will like now and 20 years from now when he or she rereads it. You should also try to be original with the text of the yearbook dedication while simultaneously striking a familiar tone. - Nearly all yearbook dedications have room for a picture. Many parents will go for the cutest or most embarrassing baby picture that they can find. This is a perfectly viable option. You can also choose a picture that will trigger a positive memory for your child: perhaps a picture of the child from a memorable vacation or receiving a diploma from elementary school. This is not the time to use a picture you already have on your mantel. Use a picture that your child may not even know you still have a copy of.
- Using humor is difficult in a yearbook dedication. If your humor comes off as too weird or offbeat, your child may feel embarrassed that it is in a yearbook that everybody will have forever. A comedic quote from a classic movie that your child likes, perhaps something lasting like "Caddyshack" or "Blues Brothers," might suffice. Some parents go the "congratulations on your graduation, by the time you read this the locks will be changed" route, to make fun of their children leaving for college. This is acceptable, but make sure your child has a thick skin if you go in that direction.
- Many parents go with the poem or famous quote approach. It is important that it does not look like you just used Google to search "inspiring quote," because you want your child to know that it was personalized. If there is a figure in history your child looks up to, a quote from that person might be appropriate. Poems often show up in yearbook dedications, but it should be limited to the few lines that really apply to your child. You can even make an effort to create your own poem, though it is suggested that you have a good degree of writing skill before attempting that.
- Terms like "congratulations" and "we're proud of you" will be heard so often by the student that you need to ensure you are specific. If you are proud of how well your student did in math, say it. If you think your child was particularly strong in athletics, talk about some of his achievements. Being specific shows that you've been paying attention and that you really are proud of the things your child has accomplished.
The Picture
Poem or Famous Quote
Being Specific