How to prepare for the record-breaking heat predictions
The summer is here and it's finally time to put the winter coat in storage and pull your summer wardrobe back out of the loft.
Weather forecasts have already predicted that this will be the hottest summer yet, with temperatures at a two-week spell at the start of August set to beat the highest temperature ever recorded - 38.5c.
If it doesn't make the hottest summer since records began, it will certainly be in the top three claims senior forecasters.
It seems a little intimidating, but with the right summer outfit the weather can be enjoyed.
The simplest piece of advice is to embrace light colours. Incorporating this into comfortable clothing, such as a short sleeved polo shirt [] in beige, will reflect light and allow your top to breathe. Remember - light blue shows up sweat more than any other colour.
Opting for loosely fitting linen trousers are much cooler than shorts. They promote more circulation, which is ultimately more comfortable.
For those who have to wear a shirt, you can prevent your sweat from hitting the short by wearing a vest underneath. Whilst layers won't do much to cool you, it will help you look like you're remaining cool.
Wearing a hat is great because it keeps the sun off your head, but you should only wear a straw one because they're designed to let heat escape. Other types of hat will trap the heat and raise your temperature even further.
You need to look after your body too in the heat. Make sure you drink plenty of water or you run the risk of becoming dehydrated and suffering from sun stroke. Even if you don't feel thirsty, you could still be dehydrated. But don't go for iced water - this engulfs energy as your body tries to warm it to body temperature.
Minty products cool your skin, so lotion with peppermint in it, or a peppermint soap, ill refresh the skin and leave it with a cooling sensation.
The most important thing is to listen to the warning signs your body is giving you, because heat stroke can be seriously dangerous.
Weather forecasts have already predicted that this will be the hottest summer yet, with temperatures at a two-week spell at the start of August set to beat the highest temperature ever recorded - 38.5c.
If it doesn't make the hottest summer since records began, it will certainly be in the top three claims senior forecasters.
It seems a little intimidating, but with the right summer outfit the weather can be enjoyed.
The simplest piece of advice is to embrace light colours. Incorporating this into comfortable clothing, such as a short sleeved polo shirt [] in beige, will reflect light and allow your top to breathe. Remember - light blue shows up sweat more than any other colour.
Opting for loosely fitting linen trousers are much cooler than shorts. They promote more circulation, which is ultimately more comfortable.
For those who have to wear a shirt, you can prevent your sweat from hitting the short by wearing a vest underneath. Whilst layers won't do much to cool you, it will help you look like you're remaining cool.
Wearing a hat is great because it keeps the sun off your head, but you should only wear a straw one because they're designed to let heat escape. Other types of hat will trap the heat and raise your temperature even further.
You need to look after your body too in the heat. Make sure you drink plenty of water or you run the risk of becoming dehydrated and suffering from sun stroke. Even if you don't feel thirsty, you could still be dehydrated. But don't go for iced water - this engulfs energy as your body tries to warm it to body temperature.
Minty products cool your skin, so lotion with peppermint in it, or a peppermint soap, ill refresh the skin and leave it with a cooling sensation.
The most important thing is to listen to the warning signs your body is giving you, because heat stroke can be seriously dangerous.