The Abortion Fight - Black or White Issue?
I am a Christian. I was born a Christian, raised a Christian and I vow to die a Christian. Literarily speaking, I was born inside a church because my mom and dad had exhausted their frequent daily trips to the hospital after the original due date was passed by 7 weeks. It was no longer an urgent matter when my dad was called from his business to come and get ready for another trip.
On the faithful day I finally arrived, my dad took his time coming from his business - a source of support for his entire family. By the time he got there, my Uncle and his wife had taken my mother to the family operated church and I was delivered there inside the pew of the church by several family elders. From that day on, I have been close to the Lord.
I learned how to recite the Bible verses when I was 5 and until this day, I have so many verses memorized deep into my psyche. So my philosophy about certain people's religion and in the context for which they practice this so called religion lends a hand to cynicism. I call these religion and religiosity persons "seasonal religionists." They change their stance depending upon who their perceived enemy is. It's like Willis and Arnold -Different Strokes for different folks.
The "seasonal religionists" [some called the religious right] has created a lot of chaos about abortion. They constantly point the other fingers, advocating violence with persuasive rhetoric and even sanctioning murder of innocent professionals. All is done in the name of the lord. I wonder which lord they call upon. I also wonder if the same messengers of terror would fight as hard as they do if all white women stop seeking to abort and abortion is reduced to black women seeking to abort unborn black babies. Hiding behind the veil of Christianity to commit murder doesn't make one a saint. It makes one a murderer!
From my stand point, the law of this land is sacred. At least by all reasonable standards; it should be sacred! According to Roe -v-Wade, [1973] until it is changed, abortion is legal in the United States. Therefore; anyone who is mounting any opposition to the performance of legal abortion is breaking the law. While we stand and watch, they are violating the sanctity of that which we hold to be an un-ambiguous truth. Not just mere violation, but violation unto death!
One of the fascinating things since the most recent presidential election for which President Obama was elected by the people is that the seasonal religionists have found another opportunity to spew their hatred for the president. You are asking, "How?" First of all, President Clinton did not oppose abortion outright. Though he was protested, he was never called a Nazi, Hitler and baby killer as President Obama has been called on worldwide news. George W. Bush pretends to be against abortion, he too has no choice but to follow the federal guidelines allocating funds for the operation during his tenure. He was never protested. I can go on down to Reagan, Mr. Conservative. He was never defaced and ridicule because of his stance.
On the war we are still fighting, Mr. Bush spent billions, perhaps over a trillion dollar for this unjust, ungodly war. None of the seasonal religionists protested him while he governed. Why because, he was one of them. He speaks the language they understood. Even though, at the end; he made false promises that he never intended to keep and didn't keep, he was never questioned. For eight years of hell, borrow, spend and borrow more that ultimately drove us into recession, no one cares. Makes you wonder!
Now, we have someone who is 50% them, 50% us, you will think its time to celebrate. And if 50/50 is not acceptable to these groups, can you imagine a scenario where a 100% pure black man would be acceptable and given a chance to govern? Let me be clear. I am from Missouri on this one. Show me! Please show me!
In all, the seasonal religionists have their agenda. It's not about God almighty and His creations, it's about race. The fantasy of Racial Superiority caused a crazed man in Germany to challenge the rest of the world to a duel. He lost and took millions with him. We saw what became of that and we as the people cannot, should not and definitely must not allow the few, the new crazed, the seasonal religionists of this era hijack our moral obligation to treat each other like we all want to be treated.
We are all children of the living God and regardless of which God one believes in, we are entitled to some form of decency black, white or yellow. When it comes to religion, God allowed and made provision for "public" options –The God of Abraham-which offers heaven or hell-[as a public option-you get to choose by your deeds], Judaism which offers Olam Haba, the world to come. In the afterlife, you either go to Gehonnem (hell) for a certain amount of time and then to Gan Eden (paradise), or straight away if you are righteous. The Muslims believe in Allah which also options on which way one behaves. 'Islam' simply means 'submission', and derives from a word meaning 'peace'. Though there are several other religions out there that I have not mentioned, I respect all and leave the accountability of faith and belief in the hands of each being.
As to my fellow humans who felt the height of superiority above the instructions of the book and God which the seasonal religionists profess to fightthis crazy war on His behalf, think before you leave this planet. Chase your redemption now before it might just be too late!
On the faithful day I finally arrived, my dad took his time coming from his business - a source of support for his entire family. By the time he got there, my Uncle and his wife had taken my mother to the family operated church and I was delivered there inside the pew of the church by several family elders. From that day on, I have been close to the Lord.
I learned how to recite the Bible verses when I was 5 and until this day, I have so many verses memorized deep into my psyche. So my philosophy about certain people's religion and in the context for which they practice this so called religion lends a hand to cynicism. I call these religion and religiosity persons "seasonal religionists." They change their stance depending upon who their perceived enemy is. It's like Willis and Arnold -Different Strokes for different folks.
The "seasonal religionists" [some called the religious right] has created a lot of chaos about abortion. They constantly point the other fingers, advocating violence with persuasive rhetoric and even sanctioning murder of innocent professionals. All is done in the name of the lord. I wonder which lord they call upon. I also wonder if the same messengers of terror would fight as hard as they do if all white women stop seeking to abort and abortion is reduced to black women seeking to abort unborn black babies. Hiding behind the veil of Christianity to commit murder doesn't make one a saint. It makes one a murderer!
From my stand point, the law of this land is sacred. At least by all reasonable standards; it should be sacred! According to Roe -v-Wade, [1973] until it is changed, abortion is legal in the United States. Therefore; anyone who is mounting any opposition to the performance of legal abortion is breaking the law. While we stand and watch, they are violating the sanctity of that which we hold to be an un-ambiguous truth. Not just mere violation, but violation unto death!
One of the fascinating things since the most recent presidential election for which President Obama was elected by the people is that the seasonal religionists have found another opportunity to spew their hatred for the president. You are asking, "How?" First of all, President Clinton did not oppose abortion outright. Though he was protested, he was never called a Nazi, Hitler and baby killer as President Obama has been called on worldwide news. George W. Bush pretends to be against abortion, he too has no choice but to follow the federal guidelines allocating funds for the operation during his tenure. He was never protested. I can go on down to Reagan, Mr. Conservative. He was never defaced and ridicule because of his stance.
On the war we are still fighting, Mr. Bush spent billions, perhaps over a trillion dollar for this unjust, ungodly war. None of the seasonal religionists protested him while he governed. Why because, he was one of them. He speaks the language they understood. Even though, at the end; he made false promises that he never intended to keep and didn't keep, he was never questioned. For eight years of hell, borrow, spend and borrow more that ultimately drove us into recession, no one cares. Makes you wonder!
Now, we have someone who is 50% them, 50% us, you will think its time to celebrate. And if 50/50 is not acceptable to these groups, can you imagine a scenario where a 100% pure black man would be acceptable and given a chance to govern? Let me be clear. I am from Missouri on this one. Show me! Please show me!
In all, the seasonal religionists have their agenda. It's not about God almighty and His creations, it's about race. The fantasy of Racial Superiority caused a crazed man in Germany to challenge the rest of the world to a duel. He lost and took millions with him. We saw what became of that and we as the people cannot, should not and definitely must not allow the few, the new crazed, the seasonal religionists of this era hijack our moral obligation to treat each other like we all want to be treated.
We are all children of the living God and regardless of which God one believes in, we are entitled to some form of decency black, white or yellow. When it comes to religion, God allowed and made provision for "public" options –The God of Abraham-which offers heaven or hell-[as a public option-you get to choose by your deeds], Judaism which offers Olam Haba, the world to come. In the afterlife, you either go to Gehonnem (hell) for a certain amount of time and then to Gan Eden (paradise), or straight away if you are righteous. The Muslims believe in Allah which also options on which way one behaves. 'Islam' simply means 'submission', and derives from a word meaning 'peace'. Though there are several other religions out there that I have not mentioned, I respect all and leave the accountability of faith and belief in the hands of each being.
As to my fellow humans who felt the height of superiority above the instructions of the book and God which the seasonal religionists profess to fightthis crazy war on His behalf, think before you leave this planet. Chase your redemption now before it might just be too late!