What Is an Electronic Medical Records System?
- Electronic medical record systems are computer-based medical information accessible by all departments across a health care organization.
- A key component to the EMRS is point-of-care data capture. Information is input and accessed immediately while treating the patient, which quickly and easily facilitates clinician decision making.
- EMRS allow integration from all departments. Caregivers can access laboratory reports, immediately review pharmaceuticals appropriate for the findings on the report and order additional tests at one time.
- Decision support means taking information within the EMRS and analyzing it on how to best treat patients. For example, when a physician orders a drug, decision support may show an interaction alert with the patient's other medications and offer alternate prescription suggestions.
- EMRS allow for quick ordering of laboratory tests, X-rays, supplies and other patient items from one point.
- A major function of EMRS is ease of reporting. Because all patient data is store electronically, data-gathering is simplified for running needed organizational, state and federal reports.
Understanding the EMRS
POC Data Capture
Integrating Information
Automated Decision Support
Order Management