The Samsung Galaxy S Android 2.2 Update Is Now Happening
It was announced earlier by Samsung that they will be updating the Android 2.
2 and it will be made available via Kies software upgrade program.
In case you do not know what Kies is, it is an application for desktop that currently is made compatible with Windows.
Now, this is good news as to date, almost all Android mobile phones have received their Android 2.
2 updates.
The Samsung Galaxy S on the other hand is the last of those Android mobile phones to ever receive the Android 2.
2 or Froyo update.
If you are an OSX user, then there is no need for you to worry, because you won't be left out.
The Korean manufactured who promised the Samsung Galaxy S Android 2.
2 (Froyo) update has finally arrived.
Samsung via a press release announced that they official Android 2.
2 (Froyo) update have started it current rounds of updates.
The Nordic Samsung Galaxy S owners were the very first lucky ones to ever receive the I9000 JPM update.
You do not have to worry, as it will gradually roll out to other European, Middle East, Southeast Asia, North America, Africa, North America and basically to the whole world.
The following are the much awaited Samsung Galaxy S Android 2.
2 (Froyo) update: - Adobe Flash Player 10.
1 compatibility - Android 2.
2 JIT compiler - Better exchange support - Colored icons in settings - Fully improved default keyboard - Improvements in speed - GPS Fix - Settings with colored icons - Pinch to Zoom home screen flyover - Navy blue color (Darker Menu Theme) - New Android market with Auto- updates - New search widget - Media hub - New Gmail application - Slightly different transitions and graphics with application drawer and a default icon dock - An Added Quick link to "Auto rotation" and "GPS" toggles on the notification bar - Video recording in MP4 format Now, with all these new Android 2.
2 (Froyo) update, I am sure that you will enjoy your Samsung Galaxy S even more.
It may not be as famous as the iPhone 3GS or the Nexus Ones or the Motorola Droid, but it is way better than all these three mobile phones combined.
It is equipped with S5PC110 as its processor.
It also has the fastest Graphics Processing Unit or GPU at around 90 million triangles per second.
With these things and the new Android 2.
2 (Froyo) update, I am sure that you will fall in love once again with the Galaxy S.
2 and it will be made available via Kies software upgrade program.
In case you do not know what Kies is, it is an application for desktop that currently is made compatible with Windows.
Now, this is good news as to date, almost all Android mobile phones have received their Android 2.
2 updates.
The Samsung Galaxy S on the other hand is the last of those Android mobile phones to ever receive the Android 2.
2 or Froyo update.
If you are an OSX user, then there is no need for you to worry, because you won't be left out.
The Korean manufactured who promised the Samsung Galaxy S Android 2.
2 (Froyo) update has finally arrived.
Samsung via a press release announced that they official Android 2.
2 (Froyo) update have started it current rounds of updates.
The Nordic Samsung Galaxy S owners were the very first lucky ones to ever receive the I9000 JPM update.
You do not have to worry, as it will gradually roll out to other European, Middle East, Southeast Asia, North America, Africa, North America and basically to the whole world.
The following are the much awaited Samsung Galaxy S Android 2.
2 (Froyo) update: - Adobe Flash Player 10.
1 compatibility - Android 2.
2 JIT compiler - Better exchange support - Colored icons in settings - Fully improved default keyboard - Improvements in speed - GPS Fix - Settings with colored icons - Pinch to Zoom home screen flyover - Navy blue color (Darker Menu Theme) - New Android market with Auto- updates - New search widget - Media hub - New Gmail application - Slightly different transitions and graphics with application drawer and a default icon dock - An Added Quick link to "Auto rotation" and "GPS" toggles on the notification bar - Video recording in MP4 format Now, with all these new Android 2.
2 (Froyo) update, I am sure that you will enjoy your Samsung Galaxy S even more.
It may not be as famous as the iPhone 3GS or the Nexus Ones or the Motorola Droid, but it is way better than all these three mobile phones combined.
It is equipped with S5PC110 as its processor.
It also has the fastest Graphics Processing Unit or GPU at around 90 million triangles per second.
With these things and the new Android 2.
2 (Froyo) update, I am sure that you will fall in love once again with the Galaxy S.