Diet Menu for Tinnitus
- Zinc deficiency has proved to be one of the causes of tinnitus according to Bastyr Center for Natural Health. Add zinc to your diet by including beef, chicken, crab and oysters. Many cereals and breads are fortified with zinc. There are many supplements you can find at your local health food store to add zinc to your diet.
- Vitamin B-12 is found to be beneficial for those suffering with tinnitus. Include beef, salmon and other fish to your diet that are high in vitamin B-12. There are Vitamin B-12 shots available if you do not get enough of this vitamin from your diet. There are also Vitamin B-12 supplements for purchase. Try Ginkgo biloba, an herbal supplement to improve memory, as there are some claims that it helps relief symptoms of tinnitus.
- Eat a diet rich in raw fresh fruits and vegetables. Include an abundance of low fat protein such as skinless chicken breasts, turkey and egg whites. Take Vitamin A, E and choline along with a good multi-vitamin. Eating fresh produce, whole grains and healthy protein could be instrumental in relieving many of the symptoms of tinnitus.
- Avoid or limit your intake of alcoholic beverages. Cut back on coffee, tea and sugar. Decrease saturated fats and dairy from your diet. Read labels on packaged or canned foods to avoid sodium, cholesterol and preservatives that could add to symptoms of tinnitus.
- There is no specific treatment to cure tinnitus, as there are many possible causes. Keep your blood pressure under control and exercise daily for good circulation. Use caution in taking over-the-counter drugs for colds and headaches. Work at reducing stress as much as possible, and take deep breathes when feeling stressed. Check with your health provider to test for any allergies that you may have.
Vitamin B-12 and Ginkgo Biloba
Low Fat Diet
Food To Avoid
Miscellaneous Suggestions