Drive Massive Traffic With Stumbleupon - What Stumbleupon Did Not Want You To Know
Stumbleupon have been one of the leading referral traffic social media network which you should be using to boost traffic to your site/blog.
You might not know that within a day if your site/blog is being stumbled by others, you might be drawing around hundreds to thousands of visitors who are interested in what you have, the more people gives a thumbs up and a review, the higher your chances are for your article to be exposed to others.
When you are stumbling another article, you got to make sure that you also drop a review with relevant tagging.
By dropping a review, the user will know you have given a read and he might drop by your profile and stumble sites that may belong to you as well.
It will appear on your profile, so the it looks more like a blog, and whatever review you give will tell others how good this article is and they will stumble further.
Tagging is as well important, with relevant tags on the review, it will be sent out to those who are interested in this topic to give it a maximum exposure.
Stumbling your Articles Remember that you try avoiding stumbling your own article,unless it is something that you think could benefit both your users and the readers on stumbleupon then stumbling your own article would attract more people to see what you have.
Aim to be a Top Stumbler This does not happen in a day, but it takes time to reach that status.
Set a goal to become the TOP 50 STUMBLERS and start to stumble website,photos and videos equally.
Make sure you do not give only thumbs up and no reviews because a top stumbler does not only thumbs up but give a review and tagging as well.
What stumbleupon don't want you to know Out of all that i have written on my report which you could grab later at my blog.
I will share what stumbleupon do not intent to let you know on how you increase your status and also how you can work your way to a top stumbler.
Stumble more Videos and Photos a myth? Would I be biting on my own if I said that stumbling more videos and photos can increase your ranks more than stumbling websites.
According to my observation a minority of Top 50 stumblers actually have lesser pages stumbled on than many others but still gets ranked on the Top 50, why is that so? The photos and video they stumbled made a lot of difference and it could be the gates for you to become a Top Stumbler.
Have you stumbled enough Videos and Photos to make this myth come true for you? If you have yet to, then do it quickly.
In all you need to learn how to stumble better and not just thumbsup and leave the site!
You might not know that within a day if your site/blog is being stumbled by others, you might be drawing around hundreds to thousands of visitors who are interested in what you have, the more people gives a thumbs up and a review, the higher your chances are for your article to be exposed to others.
When you are stumbling another article, you got to make sure that you also drop a review with relevant tagging.
By dropping a review, the user will know you have given a read and he might drop by your profile and stumble sites that may belong to you as well.
It will appear on your profile, so the it looks more like a blog, and whatever review you give will tell others how good this article is and they will stumble further.
Tagging is as well important, with relevant tags on the review, it will be sent out to those who are interested in this topic to give it a maximum exposure.
Stumbling your Articles Remember that you try avoiding stumbling your own article,unless it is something that you think could benefit both your users and the readers on stumbleupon then stumbling your own article would attract more people to see what you have.
Aim to be a Top Stumbler This does not happen in a day, but it takes time to reach that status.
Set a goal to become the TOP 50 STUMBLERS and start to stumble website,photos and videos equally.
Make sure you do not give only thumbs up and no reviews because a top stumbler does not only thumbs up but give a review and tagging as well.
What stumbleupon don't want you to know Out of all that i have written on my report which you could grab later at my blog.
I will share what stumbleupon do not intent to let you know on how you increase your status and also how you can work your way to a top stumbler.
Stumble more Videos and Photos a myth? Would I be biting on my own if I said that stumbling more videos and photos can increase your ranks more than stumbling websites.
According to my observation a minority of Top 50 stumblers actually have lesser pages stumbled on than many others but still gets ranked on the Top 50, why is that so? The photos and video they stumbled made a lot of difference and it could be the gates for you to become a Top Stumbler.
Have you stumbled enough Videos and Photos to make this myth come true for you? If you have yet to, then do it quickly.
In all you need to learn how to stumble better and not just thumbsup and leave the site!