What Is a Smoking Cessation Survival Kit?
- Survival Kits are used when you crave a cigarette. Anything you can put in your mouth or help alleviate stress works. Hard candy, toothpicks or plastic straws are some examples. Sugarless gum is another item that can be placed in your survival kit.
- Keep a journal for at least a week of every time you smoke and what you are doing at the time. This will help you learn your triggers so you can have your survival kit ready when you do this activity. In the week leading up to your quit date, only buy your cigarettes a pack at a time and try to smoke fewer cigarettes each day.
- Until you become accustomed to being a non-smoker, avoid smoky places, such as bars or a home where a friend smokes. Keep your survival kit with you in case of cravings. Also keep busy, doing anything that will take your mind off the need to smoke, like exercising, reading, or even sleeping.
Survival Kits
After Quitting