Natural Sleep Aids for Better Rest and Sleep
Although occasional sleeping troubles are a natural part of the body, frequent inability to fall asleep is a problem.
Fortunately, there are many sleeping treatments, including natural sleep aids.
If you want to avoid unnecessary side effects, try the natural remedy.
This helps you avoid toxins and chemicals that can affect your body in the end.
Nonetheless, before trying any natural sleeping aids, consult your doctor first.
Chronic insomnia may serve as a symptom of another underlying and often more complex condition.
These include lung disease, heart disease, sleep apnea, depression or diabetes.
Once you get your doctor's content, choose from different natural sleep aids.
Valerian Valerian is a herb used to treat insomnia for quite some time.
These days, you can purchase over-the-counter valerian products.
The herb is popular in different parts of the world like Belgium, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Italy.
Although researches cannot fully identify the exact effects of Valerian on the sleeping process, many studies reported its ability to calm the neurotransmitter GABA.
It functions similarly to conventional sleeping pill, only with less side effects and natural composition.
Compared to sleep medications, Valerian is not addictive.
It also does not cause grogginess during daytime.
Consult your doctor about using Valerian.
The herb does not work on everybody.
It may or may not accommodate your sleeping problems as desired.
To use Valerian, take it an hour before going to bed.
Do not use it for more than three months.
There are several mild side effects you should look out for when taking Valerian, including dizziness, headache, indigestion, and palpitations.
Other than tea products, Valerian is also available in capsule form.
Talking to your doctor about Valerian is important because it sometimes does not go well with other medications.
Avoid alcohol to achieve best results.
If you had surgery, ask permission from your doctor.
Melatonin Among natural sleeping aids, melatonin is the most popular.
It is ideal for people who want to sleep due to their work cycle or shift.
People with jetlags and changing working shifts may benefit greatly from melatonin.
This sleeping remedy is a hormone existing naturally in the body.
Your pineal gland in the brain produces serotonin that transforms to melatonin as you sleep.
Transformation happens when your exposure to light lessens.
Take melatonin around 30 minutes before your preferred sleeping time.
Health experts warn against using melatonin as sleeping aid if you have autoimmune diseases, depression, and other similar illnesses.
Pregnant women should also stay away from melatonin.
If you want to use this product, research as much as you can.
As previously mentioned, consultation is necessary.
Kava Other than helping you sleep, Kava is good for people with anxiety.
Limit using Kava because it can lead to severe liver injury.
Consult a pharmacist or doctor about the right dosage to use.
Depending on your body type and condition, the right dose varies.
Going for the natural alternative is often better than taking medications.
This, however, does not eliminate doctor supervision.
Fortunately, there are many sleeping treatments, including natural sleep aids.
If you want to avoid unnecessary side effects, try the natural remedy.
This helps you avoid toxins and chemicals that can affect your body in the end.
Nonetheless, before trying any natural sleeping aids, consult your doctor first.
Chronic insomnia may serve as a symptom of another underlying and often more complex condition.
These include lung disease, heart disease, sleep apnea, depression or diabetes.
Once you get your doctor's content, choose from different natural sleep aids.
Valerian Valerian is a herb used to treat insomnia for quite some time.
These days, you can purchase over-the-counter valerian products.
The herb is popular in different parts of the world like Belgium, Switzerland, France, Germany, and Italy.
Although researches cannot fully identify the exact effects of Valerian on the sleeping process, many studies reported its ability to calm the neurotransmitter GABA.
It functions similarly to conventional sleeping pill, only with less side effects and natural composition.
Compared to sleep medications, Valerian is not addictive.
It also does not cause grogginess during daytime.
Consult your doctor about using Valerian.
The herb does not work on everybody.
It may or may not accommodate your sleeping problems as desired.
To use Valerian, take it an hour before going to bed.
Do not use it for more than three months.
There are several mild side effects you should look out for when taking Valerian, including dizziness, headache, indigestion, and palpitations.
Other than tea products, Valerian is also available in capsule form.
Talking to your doctor about Valerian is important because it sometimes does not go well with other medications.
Avoid alcohol to achieve best results.
If you had surgery, ask permission from your doctor.
Melatonin Among natural sleeping aids, melatonin is the most popular.
It is ideal for people who want to sleep due to their work cycle or shift.
People with jetlags and changing working shifts may benefit greatly from melatonin.
This sleeping remedy is a hormone existing naturally in the body.
Your pineal gland in the brain produces serotonin that transforms to melatonin as you sleep.
Transformation happens when your exposure to light lessens.
Take melatonin around 30 minutes before your preferred sleeping time.
Health experts warn against using melatonin as sleeping aid if you have autoimmune diseases, depression, and other similar illnesses.
Pregnant women should also stay away from melatonin.
If you want to use this product, research as much as you can.
As previously mentioned, consultation is necessary.
Kava Other than helping you sleep, Kava is good for people with anxiety.
Limit using Kava because it can lead to severe liver injury.
Consult a pharmacist or doctor about the right dosage to use.
Depending on your body type and condition, the right dose varies.
Going for the natural alternative is often better than taking medications.
This, however, does not eliminate doctor supervision.