Icky Things Pets Eat (And Why They Shouldn"t)
21. Well-Intentioned Pet Owners Unknowingly Poisoning their Pets
The number one medical claim for pet poisonings in 2007, according to a VPI survey, did not result from antifreeze ingestion or a chewing on a household plant. No, by far the number one poisoning type was owner-induced, and classified as "drug reactions" (3,455 claims). Most of these drug reaction poisonings were caused by pet owners giving their pets drugs intended for human use, such as over-the-counter pain relievers like Tylenol or Advil.More »
22. Readers Respond: Tell us the worst thing your pet has eaten
Readers share their stories of the icky, surprising and unbelievable things their pets have consumed over the years. While there is a certain "gross factor," there are also good warnings to be found here. Learn just what pets have and will eat to better pet-proof your house and prevent a gastric emergency.
Has your pet eaten something icky? Please share your story with us.More »
23. 2007 Pet Food Recall Information & Timeline
News archive to find information, news and a general timeline of the massive industry-wide pet food recall events in 2007. This pet food recall was unprecedented and involved many pet food companies, large and small. News of this recall was first reported in the Veterinary Medicine blog March 17, 2007.More »
24. Pet Food Safety: Are we finding out about pet food recalls fast enough?
It has been two years since the pet food recalls of 2007. Pet foods are still being recalled and the methods of public notification by pet food companies are being questioned. In this blog post, with news of three brands of pet food that were recalled in the fall of 2009, I asked viewers for their opinion on the "right to know" for the public if the safety of a pet food is in question. What do you think?
Did your life change because of a pet food recall?
Did you have a pet who ate food later recalled? Did you change your pet's diet because you wanted to avoid problems with recalled foods? Please share your pet food recall experiences and tell us how your pet's diets have changed (or not) because of pet food recalls.More »