How to Calculate Total Float Time
- 1). Select "Microsoft Project" located in your computer's "Start" menu. If you have Microsoft Office installed on your computer Windows will automatically list Project within this listing.
- 2). Enter the first task listed in the project milestones in the first row underneath "Tasks." Select "Start" and enter the start date listed on the project milestones for this task. Select "Duration" and select the amount of time given to complete this task. Your ending date should appear on the Gantt chart based on this information.
- 3). Select "Predecessors" and enter information for any dependencies or prerequisites for this task that are required before continuing to the next task. Enter any resources to be used to complete this task under "Resources." Repeat Steps 2 and 3 for all tasks listed within the project milestones.
- 4). Subtract the earliest start date listed on your Gantt chart from the latest start date. This figure is your total float time.