Fancy a "Fancy" Stone? Try a Yellow Diamond Engagement Ring
As far as engagement jewellery goes, there is no disputing the power of the diamond as the most popular stone.
Even in recent decades, when a number of alternative stones and materials made a surprising bid at its hegemonic reign, this expensive and dazzling gem has managed to maintain its foothold on the market and remains the first choice for the vast majority of couples planning to get engaged or married.
Fancy diamonds, in particular, with their speckled sparkle and unique appearance, seem to strike the fancy of a significant portion of potential buyers.
For most brides and grooms enchanted by their glimmer, however, these types of stones possess one major problem: their price.
Considered by most to be the 'elite' of the diamond world, fancy diamonds can command forbidding amounts, which put them out of reach of the common man or woman on the street.
There is, however, an exception to this rule: yellow diamonds.
For some reason, this colour variant, specifically canary yellow, is usually much more affordable than its counterparts and therefore more accessible to the general public.
A yellow diamond engagement ring can therefore be an excellent entryway into the world of fancy diamonds, or an excellent alternative for couples who wish to possess a stone of this type, but find themselves limited by a restricted budget.
Yellowstone Despite 'yellow' being considered an umbrella sub-category of the general 'diamond' denomination, it would be a mistake to think every yellow diamond engagement ring has an exactly similar stone in it.
As with all other categories of diamond, the spectrum of yellow can range from almost white with small speckles of yellow to the opposite - virtually all yellow with very little white thrown in.
However, each of these diamonds shares at least one characteristic in common: they all fall within the D-to-Z scale of diamond colour grading.
This might be why, unlike jewels set with pink fancy diamonds, for instance, a yellow diamond engagement ring can be obtained at a reasonably low price.
Pink diamonds do not fall within the usual spectrum, and are therefore highly uncommon.
Yellow diamonds, on the other hand, while still considered 'fancy', are much more common, and therefore easier to obtain and more affordable.
This does not mean, of course, that all yellow diamonds will be cheap.
As with any other jewel of this type, it is all about the 'four C's', and a stone of exceptional quality in this regard can still command imposing values.
However, for the most part, a yellow diamond engagement ring can constitute a viable alternative for couples wanting to try to own fancy diamonds but are unable to spend astronomic amounts on a stone.
Even in recent decades, when a number of alternative stones and materials made a surprising bid at its hegemonic reign, this expensive and dazzling gem has managed to maintain its foothold on the market and remains the first choice for the vast majority of couples planning to get engaged or married.
Fancy diamonds, in particular, with their speckled sparkle and unique appearance, seem to strike the fancy of a significant portion of potential buyers.
For most brides and grooms enchanted by their glimmer, however, these types of stones possess one major problem: their price.
Considered by most to be the 'elite' of the diamond world, fancy diamonds can command forbidding amounts, which put them out of reach of the common man or woman on the street.
There is, however, an exception to this rule: yellow diamonds.
For some reason, this colour variant, specifically canary yellow, is usually much more affordable than its counterparts and therefore more accessible to the general public.
A yellow diamond engagement ring can therefore be an excellent entryway into the world of fancy diamonds, or an excellent alternative for couples who wish to possess a stone of this type, but find themselves limited by a restricted budget.
Yellowstone Despite 'yellow' being considered an umbrella sub-category of the general 'diamond' denomination, it would be a mistake to think every yellow diamond engagement ring has an exactly similar stone in it.
As with all other categories of diamond, the spectrum of yellow can range from almost white with small speckles of yellow to the opposite - virtually all yellow with very little white thrown in.
However, each of these diamonds shares at least one characteristic in common: they all fall within the D-to-Z scale of diamond colour grading.
This might be why, unlike jewels set with pink fancy diamonds, for instance, a yellow diamond engagement ring can be obtained at a reasonably low price.
Pink diamonds do not fall within the usual spectrum, and are therefore highly uncommon.
Yellow diamonds, on the other hand, while still considered 'fancy', are much more common, and therefore easier to obtain and more affordable.
This does not mean, of course, that all yellow diamonds will be cheap.
As with any other jewel of this type, it is all about the 'four C's', and a stone of exceptional quality in this regard can still command imposing values.
However, for the most part, a yellow diamond engagement ring can constitute a viable alternative for couples wanting to try to own fancy diamonds but are unable to spend astronomic amounts on a stone.