Converting to Live Plants
Many aquarium owners have gazed at planted aquariums and wished that they could have live plants in their own aquarium. Unfortunately most don't know where to start, or have tried previously only to have the plants die off.
This series documents how a new aquarium owner successfully converted her tank from plastic to live plants. Every step of her journey is described in her own words, along with lots of photos, and tips and advice from your Guide, and Don Matakis, an expert plant grower.
- Live Plant Journal Part 1 - Sheila describes her tank, Don advises her about plants.
 - Live Plant Journal Part 2 - Sheila talks to Don about fertilizer and plant placement.
 - Live Plant Journal Part 3 - Sheila plants the tank and has some problems.
 - Live Plant Journal Part 4 - Sheila shares the next morning photos.
 - Live Plant Journal Part 5 - Sheila provides a detailed plant layout.
 - Live Plant Journal Part 6 - Sheila's grandson rearranges the tank.
 - Live Plant Journal Part 7 - Sheila discovers a planting error.
 - Live Plant Journal Part 8 - Sheila adds two new fish.
 - Live Plant Journal Part 9 - Sheila's tank is invaded by snails.
 - Live Plant Journal 10 - Readers offer suggestions to deal with snails.
 - Live Plant Journal Part 11 - Sheila attacks her snail problem.
My thanks to Sheila for sharing her journal and to Don Matakis for sending plants and providing Sheila with expert advice.
Although the conversion is complete, we'll check back with Sheila periodically to see how her tank is doing.
If any of you have tips to share, or comments to make about this series, please email me at