How to Prevent Bedbugs in Hotels
- 1). Encase all mattresses and box springs in a bedbug-proof mattress cover.
- 2). Avoid buying used mattresses and used furniture.
- 3). Use metal bed frames rather than wood.
- 4). Hire a regular exterminator who not only sprays for roaches and mice, but also bedbugs.
- 5). Wash and dry all sheets and comforters in hot water and dry with high heat when a guest checks out of the room.
- 6). Follow-up on each bedbug complaint from guests and workers and spray the room and clean thoroughly.
- 7). Inspect all rooms on a regular basis, including walls, carpeted areas, furniture and beds. Look for signs of bedbugs, such as brown spots, which are usually dried blood from recent feedings.
How to Prevent Bedbugs in Hotels