Midlife Transition For Baby Boomers - Learning to Love Change But Not Change For the Sake of Change
In a checklist of attributes commonly attributed to midlife, the fear of change and the need to change were on the top of most lists.
I've studied various sources including life coaches, psychiatrists, psychologists and numerous authors and there is great agreement on all of this.
If you see yourself in any of this - instead of looking at the 'problem' to be solved, ask yourself what might be the real underlying cause.
It may not be midlife at all.
Change for the sake of change.
Baby Boomers can often feel restless and as they age, they sometimes express feelings that they are running out of time.
They can feel suddenly dissatisfied with their previous life dreams and goals and begin feeling like nothing they once thought of utmost importance really matters.
Promotions mean a lot when you are in the mode of striving and making things happen, but when you get to the midlife point, you begin to relax and life life unfold more.
It's important at this point not simply to make changes for change sake, but to come to a place of accepting what is in life.
It's the most important starting point for any change.
Whatever you do - do NOT make Impulsive behavior and impetuous decisions, especially about money and/or career.
Yes, I recently bought a red sports convertible - and I'm a woman! Was it impulsive? Well, maybe a bit.
But, I'm living in Florida now, and when I lived in New York, I always wanted a convertible and it was just impractical.
I was in the market for a new car.
I could afford it.
So, while it may fit the stereotype of midlife crisis decisions, it was NOT to fulfill a change just because.
I did it because I could.
That's an important distinction to be made here.
What decisions are you making lately? And, how are you making them? Notice if they are being impulsive if you've never been impulsive before.
Notice is you are making decisions because you feel restless, or because you are finally making choices that you REALLY want and are compatible with what makes YOU happy.
This is the gift of midlife.
We have finally reached a place in life where we know what we want, and we usually have the means to get it.
I say BRAVO if you have reached that place.
It's so important that we be clear on what we want in life and not make decisions that are change for the sake of change.
I've studied various sources including life coaches, psychiatrists, psychologists and numerous authors and there is great agreement on all of this.
If you see yourself in any of this - instead of looking at the 'problem' to be solved, ask yourself what might be the real underlying cause.
It may not be midlife at all.
Change for the sake of change.
Baby Boomers can often feel restless and as they age, they sometimes express feelings that they are running out of time.
They can feel suddenly dissatisfied with their previous life dreams and goals and begin feeling like nothing they once thought of utmost importance really matters.
Promotions mean a lot when you are in the mode of striving and making things happen, but when you get to the midlife point, you begin to relax and life life unfold more.
It's important at this point not simply to make changes for change sake, but to come to a place of accepting what is in life.
It's the most important starting point for any change.
Whatever you do - do NOT make Impulsive behavior and impetuous decisions, especially about money and/or career.
Yes, I recently bought a red sports convertible - and I'm a woman! Was it impulsive? Well, maybe a bit.
But, I'm living in Florida now, and when I lived in New York, I always wanted a convertible and it was just impractical.
I was in the market for a new car.
I could afford it.
So, while it may fit the stereotype of midlife crisis decisions, it was NOT to fulfill a change just because.
I did it because I could.
That's an important distinction to be made here.
What decisions are you making lately? And, how are you making them? Notice if they are being impulsive if you've never been impulsive before.
Notice is you are making decisions because you feel restless, or because you are finally making choices that you REALLY want and are compatible with what makes YOU happy.
This is the gift of midlife.
We have finally reached a place in life where we know what we want, and we usually have the means to get it.
I say BRAVO if you have reached that place.
It's so important that we be clear on what we want in life and not make decisions that are change for the sake of change.