Documents Required for Australian Immigration
- Immigrate to Australia for adventure or a fresh start.The Australian flag blowing in the wind image by Francois du Plessis from
You can immigrate to Australia in any one of several methods. Certain family members of Australian citizens can immigrate at the citizen's request. Or you can go as an "Employer Sponsored" immigrant, a "General Skilled" immigrant or a "Business Skills" immigrant. Each method has an extensive set of document requirements. An overview follows, but for exact requirements, read the booklet for your selected method at - All immigrants to Australia must present a passport or other government document to prove their age, identity and nationality. All must submit completed application forms for their respective type of immigration, along with medical documents to show they will not be a financial burden to the country. All applicants also must submit documents such as police background reports from the countries where they have lived, to prove they are not wanted or have not committed any crimes. Applicants must submit all documents in English or with certified translations.
- Depending on the family relationship, you will need to submit certified copies of birth or marriage certificates or court papers. All documents need to have first and last names that clearly identify the holder as a relative of the citizen. For fiancées and domestic partners, the citizen must provide documentation proving the relationship has lasted for 12 months. However, some waivers may apply. The sponsoring citizen may need to present documentation proving financial ability to support the immigrating family member(s). For children, documentation must prove the citizen has custody rights.
- For this program, the sponsoring employer must first show the Australian government that no qualified candidates for the positions exist in Australia. An immigrant nominee must then provide documentation proving that he or she qualifies in both education and experience. If not from an English speaking country, the applicant must also provide documentation to prove his or her proficiency in English, with the level depending on the type of job and the specific program.
- To immigrate to Australia in this category you must select a skill from the "Skilled Occupations List," Form 1121i, available at You must then provide documentation proving that you have worked in that specific skill for at least 12 months out of the past 24. Time requirements may increase for some skills, but you may apply for an exemption if you meet certain study requirements within six months of your application. If so, you will need to provide documentation of your study program.
- Business owners, senior managers, senior executives and investors can enter Australia on a four-year, trial basis, after which they can apply for permanent residence. To immigrate in this manner you must provide complex and extensive documentation showing your business experience and ability, along with documents proving your assets. Depending on your intentions, you also may need to file a business plan which the Australian government must approve. You must also sign legal documents confirming that you understand your obligations as the holder of such a visa.
All Immigrants
Family Immigration
Employer Sponsored Immigration
General Skilled Immigration
Business Skills Immigration