How to Download QuickTime Movies Without QuickTime Pro
- 1). Open your browser. Enter the URL of the website with the QuickTime movie.
- 2). Click your browser's "View" menu and select the "Page Source." The page source, or HTML code, of the webpage can be viewed. Some webpages use frames. If the webpage uses frames, you must find the page source of the frame that includes the movie. Right-click next to where the movie is located on the webpage. Select "View page source." This will show you the page source for that individual frame.
- 3). Select "Find" from the top of the "Edit" menu. The "Find Box" will pop up. Type in ".mov." This will show you the location of the QuickTime movie.
- 4). Highlight and copy the entire web address of the QuickTime movie. You're looking for the ".mov" address.
- 5). Paste the web address in a new browser window. Press the "Enter" button to load the webpage. Allow the movie to fully load.
- 6). Click on "Save as" from your browser. Select the name and destination of the movies. Make sure the movie is in QuickTime format.
- 7). Verify the movie has been saved. You can now watch the movie with the free version of QuickTime or another player such as K-Lite.