How to Build a Ball Out of LEGOs
- 1). Make the bottom level of the LEGO ball by lining up the bricks in a configuration that looks similar to a stop sign. You do this by placing longer LEGOs in the middle and then bricks of decreasing size as you go out from there to the front and back of this lower level.
- 2). Make the next level by lining up LEGOs, again in a configuration that looks like a stop sign. This level should be slightly bigger than the level before it, with the sides extending out further in an equal fashion around the level. Repeat this for as many levels as you want, continuing to increase the overall size of the level. Once you get to the biggest level you want to make, you've built up to the middle of the ball.
- 3). Make the next level slightly smaller than the one before it. Continue to add levels that are smaller in size. The top part of your LEGO ball should mirror the bottom part.
- 4). Make the top level. It should look exactly like the bottom level you created in step 1.