Personal Emergency Response Systems – Any Time For Your Need
Now there are many different types of this program out there and they all do basically the same thing. Once connected to your home (not mobile) phone line they can and do connect you with someone that can provide help. You set up your call list of friends or family and the order in which you want them to be called. The first call comes to you, if you can answer then all is well, but if you cannot then they begin to call the contact list till someone is reached. If they ever reach the last contact and do not get someone, the final call is to your local EMS. Just ? quick thought while I am here, be sure the company you use knows where the key is hidden outside. While it is the most important to get help, nobody wants to replace the front door, if EMS needs to get inside.
Again, there are many products out there and they all work about the same. The concept is pretty universal in nature. But, and there always is one, cost can and do vary. The other big issue is just who does the monitoring. Guess this is where my opinions come into play. First be sure that the company doing the monitoring is really part of the product you are buying. Many companies use an outside company of phone banks to monitor for them; these people are nothing more than ? live answering machine. Ensure that the people taking your distress call are trained to do that and understand the need for clear and rapid thought. The second issue to me is reliability. Most companies talk ? good game, but few can really stand behind it. The first one my mother had made us check it every month, but the one we have now checks itself and does that daily. Again, with the first, we had many false calls, all were blamed on her by the company, strange but after we changed companies there have not been any false calls. The third issue ? feel is unfortunately cost. The average cost is around $39.95 ? month. Now while you generally get what you pay for, there is one that leans toward Veterans and spouses of veterans, their cost is just $29.95 per month. Figure that out and it means pay for 8 months and get 4 free, that's 1/3 off each and every year.
Maybe you could also check into some other features that they may or not have like: the ability to take it on vacation with you, and without additional fees; the ability to answer the phone by pushing your button thus making you call console ? speaker phone; reminders that can be placed in the console to keep you on track for things like medication times; and also check into how many times you can push the button ? month, some limit it to ? fixed number while others have no limits on pushes and in fact welcome them.
The bottom lines is that if you live alone and want some security there is nothing better than ? personal emergency response system []. This type of system like emergency medical alert systems [] can take care of you not only in ? medical emergency but anytime you need help and for any reason. If you would like to know more about ? specific company and the product they provide anywhere across the country please come to my website and click the link taking you directly to them. That is the "HELP" Personal Response System.
Again, there are many products out there and they all work about the same. The concept is pretty universal in nature. But, and there always is one, cost can and do vary. The other big issue is just who does the monitoring. Guess this is where my opinions come into play. First be sure that the company doing the monitoring is really part of the product you are buying. Many companies use an outside company of phone banks to monitor for them; these people are nothing more than ? live answering machine. Ensure that the people taking your distress call are trained to do that and understand the need for clear and rapid thought. The second issue to me is reliability. Most companies talk ? good game, but few can really stand behind it. The first one my mother had made us check it every month, but the one we have now checks itself and does that daily. Again, with the first, we had many false calls, all were blamed on her by the company, strange but after we changed companies there have not been any false calls. The third issue ? feel is unfortunately cost. The average cost is around $39.95 ? month. Now while you generally get what you pay for, there is one that leans toward Veterans and spouses of veterans, their cost is just $29.95 per month. Figure that out and it means pay for 8 months and get 4 free, that's 1/3 off each and every year.
Maybe you could also check into some other features that they may or not have like: the ability to take it on vacation with you, and without additional fees; the ability to answer the phone by pushing your button thus making you call console ? speaker phone; reminders that can be placed in the console to keep you on track for things like medication times; and also check into how many times you can push the button ? month, some limit it to ? fixed number while others have no limits on pushes and in fact welcome them.
The bottom lines is that if you live alone and want some security there is nothing better than ? personal emergency response system []. This type of system like emergency medical alert systems [] can take care of you not only in ? medical emergency but anytime you need help and for any reason. If you would like to know more about ? specific company and the product they provide anywhere across the country please come to my website and click the link taking you directly to them. That is the "HELP" Personal Response System.