Your Child Can Make a Custom Wall Mural
Don't you just love your kids' artwork? I doubt there is a parent alive who doesn't have a bulletin board or refrigerator covered with their children's latest masterpieces.
We are indeed lucky to have our very own little Picasso's or Monet's running around filling our households with beautiful art, and lots of other things like laughter, joy, and of course, crumbs and dirt.
Our children's artwork is priceless.
It is one of the things that marks and defines their childhood.
Have you ever framed their art and put it on display? I have, and to me it is better and certainly more precious than anything I could ever buy.
Have you ever strolled through a modern art museum and pondered some of the pricy paintings? If so, you have probably thought something along these lines: "Gosh, that priceless piece of art sure is a thing of beauty, but personally I think my kids paint better than that!" Well join the club! A really great idea is to photograph your child's finest drawing or painting and have it made into a custom wall mural! You will be decorating a wall or part of a wall with something you truly cherish.
The size is totally up to you.
These art murals look great in family rooms, playrooms, and your children's bedrooms.
If it looks really special, why don't you put your custom kid wall mural in your entryway or kitchen-let the whole world enjoy it.
Having the artwork made into a mural enlarges and preserves it, and your family will enjoy and cherish it for years.
Murals are easy to hang, just like regular wallpaper.
You can take the photos of your child's artwork with your own digital camera.
The customization of a photo into a wall mural requires a resolution of at least 6.
2 mega pixels, so check your camera first.
You also want to make sure you take the pictures in the best lighting possible.
Once you have several images you like, consult all the members of your family and choose the best one.
One of the nicest things about custom wall murals is they are very affordable.
You won't break your decorating budget with this project.
Since the original artwork is priceless, the return on investment is immeasurable as well (at the very, least 100%, but you get the picture!).
So then, for a mere pittance, and far less than you would spend to commission a muralist or hire an interior decorator, you can astound your friends and relatives alike with your child's artwork, professionally made into a custom wall mural.
We are indeed lucky to have our very own little Picasso's or Monet's running around filling our households with beautiful art, and lots of other things like laughter, joy, and of course, crumbs and dirt.
Our children's artwork is priceless.
It is one of the things that marks and defines their childhood.
Have you ever framed their art and put it on display? I have, and to me it is better and certainly more precious than anything I could ever buy.
Have you ever strolled through a modern art museum and pondered some of the pricy paintings? If so, you have probably thought something along these lines: "Gosh, that priceless piece of art sure is a thing of beauty, but personally I think my kids paint better than that!" Well join the club! A really great idea is to photograph your child's finest drawing or painting and have it made into a custom wall mural! You will be decorating a wall or part of a wall with something you truly cherish.
The size is totally up to you.
These art murals look great in family rooms, playrooms, and your children's bedrooms.
If it looks really special, why don't you put your custom kid wall mural in your entryway or kitchen-let the whole world enjoy it.
Having the artwork made into a mural enlarges and preserves it, and your family will enjoy and cherish it for years.
Murals are easy to hang, just like regular wallpaper.
You can take the photos of your child's artwork with your own digital camera.
The customization of a photo into a wall mural requires a resolution of at least 6.
2 mega pixels, so check your camera first.
You also want to make sure you take the pictures in the best lighting possible.
Once you have several images you like, consult all the members of your family and choose the best one.
One of the nicest things about custom wall murals is they are very affordable.
You won't break your decorating budget with this project.
Since the original artwork is priceless, the return on investment is immeasurable as well (at the very, least 100%, but you get the picture!).
So then, for a mere pittance, and far less than you would spend to commission a muralist or hire an interior decorator, you can astound your friends and relatives alike with your child's artwork, professionally made into a custom wall mural.