Side Effects of Clavamox Drops for Dogs
- Clavamox drops are used to treat any bacterial infection in dogs, such as urinary, respiratory and ear infections. It is also used to treat skin infections associated with wounds, abscesses and cellulitis. Clavomox oral drops are effective for pus-filled lesions and inflammation associated with infection. Clavomox is a safe treatment for dogs, although some side effects may occur.
- Side effects associated with Clavamox drops for dogs include loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Although diarrhea and vomiting are common side effects, it is important to contact your vet if your dog experiences these symptoms, as they can occasionally be signs of overdose. Other common side effects include yeast and or fungal infection.
- Some side effects associated with Clavamox drops are more serious than others, as they may be signs of allergic reaction or overdose. Your dog may be experiencing an allergic reaction to Clavamox drops if it has fever, difficulty breathing, a rapid heartbeat, a sudden loss of coordination or is fainting. Other signs of allergic reaction include rashes; hives; and swelling of the face, lips, tongue or limbs. Signs of overdose in your dog include vomiting, diarrhea, drowsiness, hyperactivity and kidney problems. If any of these symptoms occur, contact your dog's veterinarian immediately. If it is after hours, contact your emergency vet.
- If your dog is allergic to penicillin, or cephalosporin, then it may also be allergic to Clavamox drops. Dogs with kidney and heart problems or dehydration should only take Clavamox drops under the strict supervision of a veterinarian. Always tell your vet if your dog is taking any other medications, including prescription medications, vitamins, minerals and supplements. Medications that may interact adversely with Clavamox drops include probenecid and allopurinol. Foods are typically not restricted, as they do not interact with Clavamox.
- Contact your veterinarian if your dog experiences any other troublesome side effects when taking Clavamox drops. Store Clavamox drops in the refrigerator and discard if not used within 10 days. Dogs that are pregnant or nursing should not take Clavamox drops. Remember that Clavamox is a prescription medication that your vet prescribes, and you should administer it according to your vet's instructions.
Expected Side Effects
Serious Side Effects