to take stitches out, unpick
Qui a décousu ce bouton ? - Who took the stitches out of this button / took this button off?
(literary, in jest) to fight, do battle
Nous en décousons trop - We fight too much.
Pronominal: se découdre - to come unstitched, to come apart
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [day koodr]
to take stitches out, unpick
Qui a décousu ce bouton ? - Who took the stitches out of this button / took this button off?
(literary, in jest) to fight, do battle
Nous en décousons trop - We fight too much.
Pronominal: se découdre - to come unstitched, to come apart
(click the little graphic below to hear the Mot du jour pronounced)
Pronunciation: [day koodr]