MVPS - Chest Pains
A mitral valve prolapse syndrome (MVPS) patient is very aware of his/her heart beats.
Of the many MVPS symptoms, a variety of chest pain is one most frightening to the patient.
PALPITATIONS: Palpitations caused by MVPS are harmless.
They can feel as though the heart skipped a beat, like the heart flipped back and forth, or fluttered.
Patients describe them in varied forms.
To avoid these, drink enough water.
A good equation is to drink the number of ounces of water equal to the outside temperature degrees.
In other words, if it's 70 degrees outside, drink 70 ounces of water.
Other fluids besides water can be counted, but not stimulants or alcohol.
Water is the best fluid.
TACHYCARDIA: Tachycardia is a sudden rapid heart rate.
These frighten a patient.
The patient can lie down with his/her head and upper chest elevated so the patient is not completely supine.
If the heart rate does not return to its normal rate within thirty minutes, a doctor should be consulted.
Stimulants, such as caffeine and chocolate, should be eliminated for they can cause tachycardia.
PVCs: Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) are another form of chest pain common to MVPS.
They feel like a hard or skipped beat.
As though the heart beats, beats, beats .
Bam! Then the heart returns to normal.
Or it might continue in that rhythm for a few minutes.
Again, fluids will help this.
Also, lying down might console the patient until the PVCs are gone, though exercise is the best treatment for MVPS.
ACUTE CHEST PAIN: Some patients report acute chest pain such a sword shoved through the heart.
These severe pains, if they come often, will need the help of a beta blocker to prevent the pain from coming through.
The patient needs to consult a cardiologist or his primary care doctor for advice about this medicine.
When the heart is in physical pain, a person is fearful and confused.
Yet, if the patient knows what chest pains are associated with MVPS, the person can know that all is well and how to control those pains.
Of the many MVPS symptoms, a variety of chest pain is one most frightening to the patient.
PALPITATIONS: Palpitations caused by MVPS are harmless.
They can feel as though the heart skipped a beat, like the heart flipped back and forth, or fluttered.
Patients describe them in varied forms.
To avoid these, drink enough water.
A good equation is to drink the number of ounces of water equal to the outside temperature degrees.
In other words, if it's 70 degrees outside, drink 70 ounces of water.
Other fluids besides water can be counted, but not stimulants or alcohol.
Water is the best fluid.
TACHYCARDIA: Tachycardia is a sudden rapid heart rate.
These frighten a patient.
The patient can lie down with his/her head and upper chest elevated so the patient is not completely supine.
If the heart rate does not return to its normal rate within thirty minutes, a doctor should be consulted.
Stimulants, such as caffeine and chocolate, should be eliminated for they can cause tachycardia.
PVCs: Premature ventricular contractions (PVCs) are another form of chest pain common to MVPS.
They feel like a hard or skipped beat.
As though the heart beats, beats, beats .
Bam! Then the heart returns to normal.
Or it might continue in that rhythm for a few minutes.
Again, fluids will help this.
Also, lying down might console the patient until the PVCs are gone, though exercise is the best treatment for MVPS.
ACUTE CHEST PAIN: Some patients report acute chest pain such a sword shoved through the heart.
These severe pains, if they come often, will need the help of a beta blocker to prevent the pain from coming through.
The patient needs to consult a cardiologist or his primary care doctor for advice about this medicine.
When the heart is in physical pain, a person is fearful and confused.
Yet, if the patient knows what chest pains are associated with MVPS, the person can know that all is well and how to control those pains.