Ideas for Painting Pumpkins for Halloween
- Turn your pumpkin into a cute Halloween critter. Paint a pumpkin purple with acrylic craft paints, and cut two wing shapes and pointed ears out of purple craft foam. Use a glue gun to glue the wing shapes on to the back of the pumpkin and the ears to either side of the pumpkin once it is dry. Glue big google eyes on to the front of the pumpkin, and use a thin paintbrush and black paint to draw a mouth and fangs on your pumpkin. Glue a big pom-pom on for a nose. If you want your bat to have some fuzzy hair, cut a piece of a purple feather boa and glue some to the top of the pumpkin.
- Create a cool robot pumpkin to decorate your doorstep. Cover the whole pumpkin with silver paint. Let the paint dry. Use a glue gun to adhere a pipe cleaner antenna to the top of the pumpkin, and then poke a hole in each side of the pumpkin and insert a small dowel for the arms. Paint the dowel silver. Create robot hands out of craft foam, and glue them to the ends of the dowel rods. Make a robot face with gold, black and white paints how you desire. Chunky square eyes look robotic.
- Turn pumpkins into fun representations of fruits and vegetables. Paint a pumpkin bright red and use black paint to dot seeds onto the pumpkin. Paint on a green stem and you have a strawberry pumpkin. Leave off the seeds and it will be a tomato or apple pumpkin. A bright green pumpkin can be a pear, and a purple pumpkin can look like an eggplant. The possibilities are endless. Make a few different ones and display them together for a pumpkin cornucopia.
- Upgrade your pumpkins to posh with metallic paints and glue-on jewels and stones. Paint each pumpkin a solid metallic color such as gold, copper or silver. Wait for the pumpkins to dry, and then use a hot glue gun to affix rhinestones, small mirrors, sparkly beads and sequins to the pumpkins. Or, brush some school glue on to the pumpkins with a wide paint brush, and sprinkle on some fine glitter. Allow pumpkins to fully dry before setting them out for display. Check craft stores for other metallic paint colors to use on your pumpkin, such as pink and purple.
Fruits And Veggies
Fancy Pumpkins