Evil in America
From working in TV news, I've had the unfortunate opportunity to have witnessed a lot of evil.
But the tragedy in Newtown Connecticut has shaken me to the core - as I'm sure it has countless others.
Is evil really beginning to outweigh the good in life? It's starting to feel that way for me - and I do not like having these thoughts.
We can not explain the evil actions of these cowards.
But we need to try to move forward and learn from the evil in life - so we can really, truly turn it into good.
I have been having a tough time moving forward.
We know we need to move forward in life after a tragedy, but for me, I feel stuck in time on December 14, 2012.
How can our society make this better for the families? How can we help those who may have lost faith? I didn't directly know anyone involved in the tragedy but I now need some support and help getting through this, as I'm sure many do.
I am fortunate to have a husband to lean on and parents who help guide me.
But to me, it boils down to, how can we begin to feel safe again? It is starting to feel like life is just one big game of chance - and I have to believe that we, as a society, are better than that - stronger than that.
We need to come together -- comfort and support each other -- even those with mental illness or disability.
We can't turn away from them just because they're different or troubled.
It's better to support these individuals now, before they begin to feel more alienated and risk turning to evil.
I try to hold a door, show a smile to anyone and everyone.
I've done it my whole life and will continue to do so.
I always had hope that this small act of kindness would go a long way and help someone who may be struggling in life.
There are so many people in the world, we have no idea what anyone may be going through.
So instead of getting angry during your morning commute, challenge yourself, take a look around -- ask yourself, 'where are all these people going?' Some may be going to work, some may be going on vacation, while others may be out for a drive to cool down after a big fight or on their way to a hospital because their parents were just in a car accident.
We never know, take a deep breath and understand we are all human beings just trying to make the most out of life.
I want to have a feeling of safety and love in our world today.
We need to make a difference.
We need real change in our world so we can all believe and love again.
But the tragedy in Newtown Connecticut has shaken me to the core - as I'm sure it has countless others.
Is evil really beginning to outweigh the good in life? It's starting to feel that way for me - and I do not like having these thoughts.
We can not explain the evil actions of these cowards.
But we need to try to move forward and learn from the evil in life - so we can really, truly turn it into good.
I have been having a tough time moving forward.
We know we need to move forward in life after a tragedy, but for me, I feel stuck in time on December 14, 2012.
How can our society make this better for the families? How can we help those who may have lost faith? I didn't directly know anyone involved in the tragedy but I now need some support and help getting through this, as I'm sure many do.
I am fortunate to have a husband to lean on and parents who help guide me.
But to me, it boils down to, how can we begin to feel safe again? It is starting to feel like life is just one big game of chance - and I have to believe that we, as a society, are better than that - stronger than that.
We need to come together -- comfort and support each other -- even those with mental illness or disability.
We can't turn away from them just because they're different or troubled.
It's better to support these individuals now, before they begin to feel more alienated and risk turning to evil.
I try to hold a door, show a smile to anyone and everyone.
I've done it my whole life and will continue to do so.
I always had hope that this small act of kindness would go a long way and help someone who may be struggling in life.
There are so many people in the world, we have no idea what anyone may be going through.
So instead of getting angry during your morning commute, challenge yourself, take a look around -- ask yourself, 'where are all these people going?' Some may be going to work, some may be going on vacation, while others may be out for a drive to cool down after a big fight or on their way to a hospital because their parents were just in a car accident.
We never know, take a deep breath and understand we are all human beings just trying to make the most out of life.
I want to have a feeling of safety and love in our world today.
We need to make a difference.
We need real change in our world so we can all believe and love again.