10 Ways to Avoid and Treat Vaginal Infection
No worries.
You can treat your problem if you're suffering from vaginal itchiness and white discharge because of bacterial vaginal infection.
No need to rush for over-the-counter products.
Oftentimes, they just cover the symptoms without eradicating the root cause of the problem.
Better try the following ways first before you spend money on those commercial products.
Wear cotton panties.
Cotton panties allow your genital region to breathe.
This way, it can stay dry.
But when you are getting ready for sleep, it's better that you don't wear any underwear.
This will give your vagina time to breathe well.
Don't use oils or petroleum jelly for vaginal lubrication.
These can cause bacteria-breeding ground.
Strictly follow the medication.
Your doctor knows best so better follow her pieces of advise than devise your own ways of medication.
Don't use products like perfume, deodorant soaps, lotions, powders, bubble baths, and other feminine hygiene products that can irritate your vagina.
Some women are okay with these but if you are suffering from the infection, better stay away from these until you are okay for good.
Don't wear tight apparels for a prolonged time.
Exercise wear, panty hose, or bathing suits can worsen your vaginal infection or if not, these might cause infection.
Don't scratch.
No matter how itchy your vaginal area is, never scratch that.
You will only cause more infection and worse symptoms.
Continue the regular medication despite your period.
Vaginal creams may be uncomfortable but don't stop using these if you have the infection.
It's okay to use pads instead of tampons, though.
Wear condom.
You don't want to infect your partner with the infection symptoms so ask your partner to wear condom during sex.
He will understand if you explain, anyway.
Wipe from front to back after every bowel movement or urination.
Improper wiping will spread the bacteria easily to the vagina.
It may lead to vaginal discharge and infection, too.
Practice basic hygiene, healthy diet, enough sleep, and proper exercise.
These are good for vaginal health and for your overall well-being and health.
There are treatment choices like antibiotics, tropical creams, naturopathy and homeopathy out there.
But it's best to handle vaginal infection through natural remedies because they won't irritate your vagina and they will target the root of the problem.
If natural remedies won't work, then it's time to try chemical-based medications.
You can seek advice from your doctor to make sure you'll be using the best medication.
You can treat your problem if you're suffering from vaginal itchiness and white discharge because of bacterial vaginal infection.
No need to rush for over-the-counter products.
Oftentimes, they just cover the symptoms without eradicating the root cause of the problem.
Better try the following ways first before you spend money on those commercial products.
Wear cotton panties.
Cotton panties allow your genital region to breathe.
This way, it can stay dry.
But when you are getting ready for sleep, it's better that you don't wear any underwear.
This will give your vagina time to breathe well.
Don't use oils or petroleum jelly for vaginal lubrication.
These can cause bacteria-breeding ground.
Strictly follow the medication.
Your doctor knows best so better follow her pieces of advise than devise your own ways of medication.
Don't use products like perfume, deodorant soaps, lotions, powders, bubble baths, and other feminine hygiene products that can irritate your vagina.
Some women are okay with these but if you are suffering from the infection, better stay away from these until you are okay for good.
Don't wear tight apparels for a prolonged time.
Exercise wear, panty hose, or bathing suits can worsen your vaginal infection or if not, these might cause infection.
Don't scratch.
No matter how itchy your vaginal area is, never scratch that.
You will only cause more infection and worse symptoms.
Continue the regular medication despite your period.
Vaginal creams may be uncomfortable but don't stop using these if you have the infection.
It's okay to use pads instead of tampons, though.
Wear condom.
You don't want to infect your partner with the infection symptoms so ask your partner to wear condom during sex.
He will understand if you explain, anyway.
Wipe from front to back after every bowel movement or urination.
Improper wiping will spread the bacteria easily to the vagina.
It may lead to vaginal discharge and infection, too.
Practice basic hygiene, healthy diet, enough sleep, and proper exercise.
These are good for vaginal health and for your overall well-being and health.
There are treatment choices like antibiotics, tropical creams, naturopathy and homeopathy out there.
But it's best to handle vaginal infection through natural remedies because they won't irritate your vagina and they will target the root of the problem.
If natural remedies won't work, then it's time to try chemical-based medications.
You can seek advice from your doctor to make sure you'll be using the best medication.