How to Cut Silestone Countertops
- 1). Attach a 4 1/2-inch diamond cutting wheel to the arbor of a 4 1/2-inch angle grinder. Ensure the blade is centered on the arbor and tight.
- 2). Fill a 1-gallon plastic container. Set the container on the Silestone countertop, near the cutting area.
- 3). Cover the area you need to cut with masking tape. Overlap each layer of tape 1/2 inch to ensure complete protection of the countertop's surface. Mark the cut on top of the masking tape with a pencil.
- 4). Pour water on the marked pencil line. Start the angle grinder. Lower the spinning diamond blade to the line. Move the angle grinder along the line to score the Silestone. Pour additional water on the scored section of the countertop.
- 5). Move along the cut -- cutting the line 1/32 to 1/16 inch deep with each pass. Pour additional water on the cut line when dust emits from the contact point between the diamond blade and the Silestone countertop.