Revealed - Can Masturbation Enlarge Your Penis?
Every guy wishes their penis was larger.
This is a known fact.
The moment guys hit puberty and even beyond reaching manhood, men always wish their penis was just a bit larger.
Many questions that arise during school stay in their mind throughout their adult life.
One of these questions is, does masturbation work as a penis enlargement exercise? Can masturbation stimulate the growth of a penis? Well, to answer your question in short, no.
Masturbating will not enlarge the size of your penis.
Fortunately, it also does not decrease its seize.
Masturbation simply does not stimulate the penis in the way that a penis enraging exercise does.
How about male enhancement pills? Sorry to disappoint you once again, but no! Male enhancement pills can only do so much and primarily just increase the blood flow to your friend downstairs.
Thus resulting an a harder erection which gives you a false impression of a larger penis.
Male enhancement pills cannot increase the size of your penis.
What about penis pumps? I'm afraid that the answer again is, no.
Penis pumps and other gadgets for that matter are not very effective if at all in increasing the size of a males penis.
They can however be dangerous if they are used incorrectly or in excess.
Penis pumps have caused marks and blisters on the penis in the past.
In the worst case scenario you can even result with a permanently disfigured penis and even worse impotence because of damage caused to the blood vessels.
I strongly recommend that you avoid these methods all together! So, now what? How do I make my penis larger? Luckily for you, there exists one safe and effective method of increasing the size of your little friend downstairs which is through a quality penis enlarging exercise program.
With a penis exercise you can effectively strengthen the walls of two blood cells found in your penis which will allow them to hold more blood.
Not only will you have harder erections, but your penis will be larger.
However, this can't be done over night.
Nonetheless, your gains will be permanent! Once again, to answer your question of "does masturbation work as a penis enlarging exercise?", no it does not and your penis will never change size because of it.
The same goes to your question about pills and gadgets.
The only proven method of enlarging your penis by a couple of inches is through penis exercises.
If your penis could use a little growth, then you should check out our penis enlarging exercise program and give it a try.
This is a known fact.
The moment guys hit puberty and even beyond reaching manhood, men always wish their penis was just a bit larger.
Many questions that arise during school stay in their mind throughout their adult life.
One of these questions is, does masturbation work as a penis enlargement exercise? Can masturbation stimulate the growth of a penis? Well, to answer your question in short, no.
Masturbating will not enlarge the size of your penis.
Fortunately, it also does not decrease its seize.
Masturbation simply does not stimulate the penis in the way that a penis enraging exercise does.
How about male enhancement pills? Sorry to disappoint you once again, but no! Male enhancement pills can only do so much and primarily just increase the blood flow to your friend downstairs.
Thus resulting an a harder erection which gives you a false impression of a larger penis.
Male enhancement pills cannot increase the size of your penis.
What about penis pumps? I'm afraid that the answer again is, no.
Penis pumps and other gadgets for that matter are not very effective if at all in increasing the size of a males penis.
They can however be dangerous if they are used incorrectly or in excess.
Penis pumps have caused marks and blisters on the penis in the past.
In the worst case scenario you can even result with a permanently disfigured penis and even worse impotence because of damage caused to the blood vessels.
I strongly recommend that you avoid these methods all together! So, now what? How do I make my penis larger? Luckily for you, there exists one safe and effective method of increasing the size of your little friend downstairs which is through a quality penis enlarging exercise program.
With a penis exercise you can effectively strengthen the walls of two blood cells found in your penis which will allow them to hold more blood.
Not only will you have harder erections, but your penis will be larger.
However, this can't be done over night.
Nonetheless, your gains will be permanent! Once again, to answer your question of "does masturbation work as a penis enlarging exercise?", no it does not and your penis will never change size because of it.
The same goes to your question about pills and gadgets.
The only proven method of enlarging your penis by a couple of inches is through penis exercises.
If your penis could use a little growth, then you should check out our penis enlarging exercise program and give it a try.