HTML5 Has Become the Core of All Mobile First Strategies
Just half a decade ago, there was a huge skepticism clouding the importance of mobility. Many were of the view that mobile applications won't play a large part in the smartphone industry. Some of these skeptics included Blackberry, which faced a lot of heat in the coming years to the point that it had to reinvent a whole new platform around mobile applications.
There is no denying the fact that the advent of mobile applications has surely made a huge impact on traditional computing, with users adopting handheld devices as their main source of information sharing. Over the years, there has been a multi-tier jump in the technological ecosystem from desktop computing to mobile web and over to mobile apps.
HTML5 has played an important role in that aspect refining and bridging the gap between the mobile web as well as mobile applications. Moreover with a range of platforms coming into the picture it has also helped in incorporating cross platform application support.
There has been a huge debate going on viability of HTML5 based application with respect to native applications. Many voices in the developers community are of the view that HTML5 is the best way forward, as it provides flexibility as well as ensuring cost effectiveness. There are many businesses as well as organisations that have started to look at HTML5 for a range of mobility solutions:
Mobile Web: In this era of smartphones as well as tablets, having the mobile first strategy has become highly imperative. HTML5 mobile optimized website has become the need of the hour and many believe that it would overtake desktop websites in the coming years. OpenStream has been doing some prominent work in developing responsive web design websites. They have taken cognizance of the fact that mobile web has become the core of all internet traffic with users accessing information on the go. There are many users like me, who prefer using mobile browser to seek information rather than logging on to a desktop.
HTML5 based mobile applications: With over half a dozen mobile platforms coming into existence, businesses as well as developers have found it difficult to support their applications across all the platforms. In that case, HTML5 has proven to be an ideal bet, allowing applications to be ported and optimised across different platforms. Mobile Programming LLC. and SourceBits have been extensively involved in developing HTML5 based mobile applications. While Sourcebits has created over 500 mobile applications under its belt, Mobile Programming LLC has undertaken more than 1100 projects.
HTML5 has played an important role in bringing mobile web as well as cross platform application support to the mainstream. It has also created an ecosystem of simple, elegant and mobile friendly web design in accordance to desktop UI. As the multitude of device form factors continues to expand, with the display screen being one of the key components, cross-platform apps need to adapt to varying screen sizes, resolutions, aspect ratios and orientations.
The future for HTML5 development tools and resources holds a plethora of commitment to bring the best experience possible ranging from mobile web to mobile applications. Companies like Sourcebits, Mobile Programming LLC and Openstream have put in a lot of expertise in design aesthetics of the mobility solution. I have found that users are getting more inclined towards website and applications that incorporate responsive web design and fluidic UX enriching intuitiveness. Overall UI has become an important entity of all development solutions with major emphasis being laid on user engagement.
There is no denying the fact that the advent of mobile applications has surely made a huge impact on traditional computing, with users adopting handheld devices as their main source of information sharing. Over the years, there has been a multi-tier jump in the technological ecosystem from desktop computing to mobile web and over to mobile apps.
HTML5 has played an important role in that aspect refining and bridging the gap between the mobile web as well as mobile applications. Moreover with a range of platforms coming into the picture it has also helped in incorporating cross platform application support.
There has been a huge debate going on viability of HTML5 based application with respect to native applications. Many voices in the developers community are of the view that HTML5 is the best way forward, as it provides flexibility as well as ensuring cost effectiveness. There are many businesses as well as organisations that have started to look at HTML5 for a range of mobility solutions:
Mobile Web: In this era of smartphones as well as tablets, having the mobile first strategy has become highly imperative. HTML5 mobile optimized website has become the need of the hour and many believe that it would overtake desktop websites in the coming years. OpenStream has been doing some prominent work in developing responsive web design websites. They have taken cognizance of the fact that mobile web has become the core of all internet traffic with users accessing information on the go. There are many users like me, who prefer using mobile browser to seek information rather than logging on to a desktop.
HTML5 based mobile applications: With over half a dozen mobile platforms coming into existence, businesses as well as developers have found it difficult to support their applications across all the platforms. In that case, HTML5 has proven to be an ideal bet, allowing applications to be ported and optimised across different platforms. Mobile Programming LLC. and SourceBits have been extensively involved in developing HTML5 based mobile applications. While Sourcebits has created over 500 mobile applications under its belt, Mobile Programming LLC has undertaken more than 1100 projects.
HTML5 has played an important role in bringing mobile web as well as cross platform application support to the mainstream. It has also created an ecosystem of simple, elegant and mobile friendly web design in accordance to desktop UI. As the multitude of device form factors continues to expand, with the display screen being one of the key components, cross-platform apps need to adapt to varying screen sizes, resolutions, aspect ratios and orientations.
The future for HTML5 development tools and resources holds a plethora of commitment to bring the best experience possible ranging from mobile web to mobile applications. Companies like Sourcebits, Mobile Programming LLC and Openstream have put in a lot of expertise in design aesthetics of the mobility solution. I have found that users are getting more inclined towards website and applications that incorporate responsive web design and fluidic UX enriching intuitiveness. Overall UI has become an important entity of all development solutions with major emphasis being laid on user engagement.